Best Replacement Windows In Iowa

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Replacement Windows In Iowa

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Iowa Replacement Windows And Options

Tim, I am in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Just not sure what brand or where to begin looking. Can you make a suggestion or two?

Sharon - Homeowner - from 2016

[Site Editor's Response]

Sharon, you have a few good brands in your area. Sunrise windows is an excellent vinyl window. The step up Simonton series, either the Impressions or the Reflections, are quite solid. I would avoid Window World, which seems to come up regularly when I google windows in Cedar Rapdis. See if you can't get somewhere with the two brands I mentioned.

Dane - Site Editor - from 2016

Sharon's Response

My husband wants to know if you can recommend a reputable installer for the windows. Thanks,

Sharon - Homeowner - from 2016

[Site Editor's Response]

Sharon, because I don't live in Iowa, I don't know any specific installers who work in your area. I would instead search for the window brands I suggested and see who carries them. Also look up Soft-Lite, Okna, Polaris and see if any companies in Iowa carry them as well.

Alternatively, you can call up the window manufacturers themselves and ask if they have anyone who services your area.

Have the rep or company give you a bid and then get references or see how their reviews are online. I also think it's a good idea to ask them to take you through the process to give you an idea of how the install is going to go. You can learn a lot about them this way, whether they give you a nice thorough answer of not.

Dane - Site Editor - from 2016

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