Best Replacement Windows In Tennessee

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Replacement Windows In Tennessee

Explore replacement window options in Tennessee, including top companies and brands available in and around Tennessee.

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Marvin Windows

Marvin Windows And Doors operates a manufacturing plant in Ripley, Tennessee. The company manufactures three main window series, including the Integrity, Infinity and Ultimate Windows. The first two are fiberglass windows, while the Ultimate is a wood window with an aluminum exterior cladding. Marvin gets some of the best and most consistent reviews from consumers and industry insiders on the quality and craftsmanship of their windows. This is not to say that there aren't customer complaints out there that have merit. However, any company that makes a million product per year is going to have some small degree of error.

All in all, Marvin a high quality manufacturer that sells relatively expensive windows. They will typically be on par with Andersen and Pella windows. Marvin Windows and Doors should be available in all 50 states to some degree. Their website does a good job of lettig consumers find a local rep who services their zip code.

Additional Resources | Marvin Windows Review | Marvin Window Costs

Andersen Renewal Bid In Memphis Tennessee

Dane, we had our local Andersen Renewal rep out to quote 23 windows for replacement. All are double hung except one frosted picture frame window in the bathroom. They quoted $72,000 but had available discounts this month that totaled $21,000 bringing the final cost to $51,000. Shocked to say the least. I'd heard horror stories about vinyl replacement windows but really just want something mid grade. We move fairly frequently and will only be in this house for another 3-5 years. We live in Memphis, TN, very interested in your suggestions.


Brian - Homeowner - from 2022

[Website Editor Answers]

Brian, that price is about what I woud expect from Renewal. Really not worth the price tag in my opinion. Quality vinyl windows are quite good these days -- but you will always hear horror stories from people who buy a Silverline window from Andersen as an example and think they are buying a well made vinyl window. Also, the installation company is very important so make sure to look up the company and their cumulative online reviews -- just google "[company name] reviews" and see what comes up. You want a company with lots of reviews and lots of good reviews.

My Tennessee recommendations: contact Dane for the window recommendations.

Dane - Website Editor - from 2022

Replacement Windows East Central Tennessee

Hello Dane, we live in East central TN...and are checking into replacement far, discovered that Okna are not available here, had a salesman here from West Shore Homes quoting us 2000. Per for 22- 3 season windows sized approx. 42×60 .. the sunrise window is nice but the 22 3 season windows ( sun room) is only 1/2 of our house, and $75-80 k to replace our windows is beyond our budget ....can you please tell me what window brands we have available in TN. That are a good mid-range more affordable option ...

Thank you.

Joyce - Homeowner - from 2021

[Site Editor's Answer]

Joyce, $2K is WAY too much to be paying for windows. Here are my Tennessee recommendations, I hope they bear fruits!

Dane - Site Editor - from 2021

Home Windows Around Memphis, TN

It's 2021 and I don't even know if this email address is still valid, but here goes. I live in the Memphis, TN area.

My house faces south- with NO trees anywhere.

This house was built in 2000. The windows are original, all wood , double hung, no panes.

99% of the windows are the same size- 2'x 6'. There are 16 of those plus one over the kitchen sink that appears to be about 33"x43" and there are 2 smaller windows in dormers that I can not access for sizing. ( if I had to guess I would guess they are 2' x 3' or maybe a little taller. There are some other fixed glass windows, and transom style fixed glass over French doors, and some 1/2 moon shaped fixed glass over 2 pairs of windows in front—I don't know if replacing those is needed or advised ( maybe the 1/2 moon ones?)

ALL the windows, including the dormer windows, have plantation shutters installed on them inside. They are in perfect condition & I am worried about them complicating the installation or getting damaged in the process. Should this be a concern? Do I need to move furniture so that the shutters can be fully opened when it's time for installation?

I am not from this area, and heat and weather conditions are vastly different from northern CA & I never had to deal with window replacement there anyway.

I think all of my windows should be replaced, but that is just a best guess based on how much cold air leaked in this past winter, and some signs of rotting beginning in a couple of spots. And the current windows have never appeared fully closed from the outside - there looks to be a 1/4 " gap at the bottom of all of them. Several neighbors have lauded the advantages of replacing to vinyl windows. So that seems to be the way to go, and lower cost sounds good too! although I'm hoping the expanded color offered in vinyl will allow for a close match to my trim paint color.

But I am totally clueless on what specifically to get estimates on and what to be aware of in the way of inferior products or installation. I know I don't want plastic window locks- is that a thing on new windows? I plan on being in this house as long as I am able. ( I am currently retired) I haven't a clue how much to expect this project to cost. I do plan to get at least 3 bids, is my thinking, but they could all 3 be outrageous and I wouldn't know.

Is this too much to ask? Do you have some words of wisdom for me? Should I consider hiring an independent general contractor to oversee this project and include it in my costs? Any advice you might have and have the time to share with me would be appreciated. I did read thru most all the articles from the website that provided this mail address. (so no to WW 4000 or 6000 window, Pella is more questionable than their name & advertising implies, etc.)

Thank you for any help you might be able to provide!

Kindest regards.

Cyndi - Homeowner - from 2021

[Site Editor's Answer]

Cyndi, I will send you my list of good to great windows that hopefully will be available in Memphis, TN. [List Redacted -- contact us directly for our good and great windows list]

Tim - Site Editor - from 2021

Replacement Windows In Jackson, Tennessee

Dane, looking to replace 8 double hung windows with mid range vinyl. I am located in Jackson Tennessee, would like you input for the best window and installation in this area.

David - Homeowner - from 2018

[Site Editor's Answer]

David, I'm not quite sure what's available in your area. The best way to find out is to look for local companies who carry top brands. Typically, if a company sells a high quality window they are a decent outfit themselves. Not always true, but it's a good rule of thumb.

Google "sunrise windows in jackson tennessee" and see if any companies carry them. Do this for Sunrise, Okna, Soft-Lite, Polaris, HiMark, Vytex, Zen, and Kensington. Some lower quality but still good manufacturers include Simonton, Wincer and Vinylmax.

Hopefully you will find two or three of these brands in your area. When you get the bids, you can send them to me and I'm happy to weigh in on your options.

Dane - Website Editor - from 2018

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