Weather Tite Windows Reviews

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Weather Tite Windows Reviews And Prices

Weather Tite Windows Reviews

Weather Tite is a Tampa Bay, Florida company that specializes in replacement windows and door installation. The company is an authorized PGT windows dealer and one of the better known dealers in the state. Generally, WT receives good reviews from google. Scroll down for our Weather Tite windows reviews.

Weather Tite Windows get a 4.4 out of 5 stars based on 2 consumer reviews below.

Dane - Site Editor
Original Publish Date -
Page Last Updated On January 30, 2025

Weather Tite Costs: $$$$
(4 out of 5)
(Amongst All Installation Companies)

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Impact Windows Quote

WW of Tampa has given me, by far, the cheapest quote for hurricane impact windows. Also, most companies double the price for impact vs non-impact. Then, Weather Tite (my next cheapest quote) gave me a price of $4320 vs $1126 each from Window World. So is this too good to be true? Thanks for offering your expertise. Lastly, I’ve searched everywhere for an answer to this question.

Penny - Homeowner - from 2022

[Site Editor Answers]

Penny, it really depends on the window itself. Often, WW sells the Wincore 8800 series impact, which I consider to be quite a decent brand. Window World Tampa seems to get good reviews for the most part. So, I think it's an option worth considering. Also, I think if this is your forever home, I'm not exactly sure going with the lowest cost option is the best. However, the price difference is so much that if you have to replace again in 10 years, you are still way ahead of the next option out there.

Dane - Website Editor - from 2022

Weather Tite Windows Reviews

I have two bids on 6 non-impact windows. Specifically, they are sized 73 x 52 windows. And some work on a few sills. So, the first is from Weather Tite on the PGT 5500 single hung series. The cost is $12.8K. Then, the other is for CWS 8100 Windpact single hungs. So, this one is for $8800 so quite a bit less.

Thank you.

Raz - Homeowner - from 2018

[Website Editor Answers]

Raz, PGT and CWS are pretty close to one another in terms of overall quality. Additionally, I would think the CWS is the better deal here as it is so much lower in price.

Dane - Website Editor - from 2018

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