Install America Reviews

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Install America Reviews And Prices

Install America Reviews

Explore Install America Reviews on this home remodeling and window replacement company out of Pennsylvania. In addition to the state of Pennsylvania, the company also offers their services in New Jersey, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, North Carolina, Tennessee, and South Carolina.

Company Information: Install America offers a number of remodeling services, including replacement windows, siding, roofing, bathrooms, decks, and kitchens. The company has been in business since 1955 and is headquartered from what I can tell in Pennsylvania, but has licenses for home improvement services in all of the states that I just mentioned.

Is Install America Any Good? Reviews for this company are a little bit all over the board, which makes it difficult to understand the overall quality of their installation and customer serice. Of course, I’m mostly interested in their replacement windows as this is our website’s main focus.

Their Replacement Windows: The company manufactures their own replacement windows, this much I know. However, it’s unclear to me at this time what exactly they are installing in terms of quality and craftsmanship. In most cases, we can assume that companies that don’t post performance data on their sites (but still get relatively good reviews online) manufacture a middle-of-the-road vinyl window. That’s the assumption I’m going to make in this case (and when I know more, I will update). They’ve been making windows and installing them since 1955, so I assume that they aren’t selling a cut rate vinyl window that you could buy at a big box store.

Because I have no additional information on the company, I can’t make too many inferences in terms of their overall quality. The one odd thing I will say is their online reviews are pretty much all over the board. Some companies such as Home Advisor and Houzz give them pretty solid ratings, while other review sites rate them considerably lower. I hope in the upcoming months to begin to form my own opinion about this company. So if you have Install America reviews, please send them our way~

Install America gets a 4.0 out of 5 stars based on 1 review below.

Dane - Site Editor - Page Updated In January, 2024

Please note, our website is not affiliated with this company.

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Homeowner Review Section

We are still awaiting our second review so please text or email your reviews to help others make better and more informed decision.

Dane - Site Editor

Install America Reviews

Hey Dane, we're here in Pennsylvania and our next-door neighbors had install America do the replacements and a few sliding glass doors about eight years ago. I asked them about their experience, and they said that it was mostly good. Maybe the salesman seemed a little pushy, but in general, they thought the installation went really well. They’ve been happy with the windows for the past eight years and thought of the price point on the windows and the sliders was very fair.

I’m a bit jealous because now it seems like their prices have really gone up, but maybe you could say that about prices in general. Ha ha. I think they’re charging almost 33% more than they did eight years ago, which is kind of amazing to me. We are definitely going to get a bid from install America, as well as some of the other companies you’ve mentioned on your website. I would love to get a list of your recommended windows in order to see what other brands might be available in my area. Thank you so much.

Bridget - Homeowner - from 2024

[Site Editor's Answer]

Bridget, I really appreciate the review. It’s great to know that your neighbors liked the installation and the windows were a good quality. I am happy to send you a recommended list and work with you to make sure we find a great opt that works with your budget and your timeline in the home. Let me know if you have any additional questions.

Dane - Site Editor - from 2024

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