Premium Windows Reviews

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Premium Windows Reviews And Prices

Premium Windows Reviews

Premium Windows And Doors is located in Corona, California (Paramount, California) and has been in business since 2005. The company sells their windows and doors through local window companies across much of Southern California. Scroll down to read all of our Premium Windows reviews.

Overall Rating:Premium Windows And Doors gets a 3.9 out of 5 stars based on 7 consumer reviews below.

My Take On This Company: From what I can tell, the company makes a pretty middle of the road vinyl window and door. I haven't been able to track down any spec sheets with performance data, so until I do so I'm going to stick with this: a mid range vinyl window in what tends to be a somewhat bulky frame. Worth a bid, but I'm going to have to see a nice price point to give it the thumbs up.
(Always Get 3 to 4 Local Price Quotes)

Dane - Site Editor
Original Publish Date -
Page Last Updated On December 16, 2024

Premium Windows Cost: $$/$$$
(2 to 3 out of 5)
(Amongst All Aluminum Windows)

Premium Window Series

The company offers four lines or series, each of which can be ordered as a window or as a door. Their series include the Aluminum, Elegance, Serene, and Timeless. In terms of their windows, they can be ordered in the following styles: horizontal slider, single hung, double hung, casement, awning, picture, arch, and several custom shapes. In terms of their doors, these can be ordered as a patio slider, french door, multiple folding or as a multiple sliding.

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Homeowner Review Section

Below are Premium Windows reviews, consumer pricing, consumer complaints, kudos, and so much more. Subsequently, if you do have an opinion on the company, send us your review and we will post it on this page for others to check out. It takes a village as they say.

Dane - Site Editor

Connect with Local Window Companies

Southern California Window Options

Dane, thank you so much for your Southern California window options. Have you Familiar with Premium windows?

Joe - Homeowner - from 2024

[Site Editor's Answer]

Joe, not so much -- this is what I have on them [link to the web page]. Do let me know if they provide you with a bid and we can take a look at it together and assess.

Dane - Site Editor - from 2024

Timeless Series vs Premium

Was curious what you thought of the Timeless series from Premium? We recently had a bid from a local company here in Southern California but I couldn’t find much information online. Thanks in advance.

Gary - Homeowner - from 2024

[Site Editor's Answer]

Gary, you are correct and then I don’t hear much about Premium Windows and Doors either. From what I can tell, they make average at best vinyl windows. Still, worth a bid. I think I would collect a bid from them, as well as perhaps from a Milgard dealer, an Anlin dealer, and maybe even a Win-dor dealer on their 1750 series.

Then let’s circle back and let’s look at the window pricing and compare the company reviews from the actual installation companies giving you the bids. From there, I think we can make a much better assessment of what you have and which option makes the most sense for your timeline and your budget. Check out our page detailing Premium windows reviews for more consumer information that will hopefully shed some (more) light on this option.

Dane - Site Editor - from 2024

Timeless Series

Hello Dane, thanks for all the great information you provide to homeowners trying to make good decisions regarding replacements. Specifcally, I am considering replacing eight windows and one sliding patio door in my San Diego condo. In any event, I have received bids from Milgard windows on their Style Line and the Monte Verde, both is the low $7000 range, and Monte Verde Bayview for an additional $400. Additionally, I have also received a bid for Premium Timeless Series that is approximately $1,700 lower than Milgard and Monte Verde.

You have mentioned in past articles that you didn't have a lot of information on Premium. Considering the difference in price, I wonder if you have received any additional information concerning the relative quality of Premium (Timeless Series)? Do they compare favorably with Monte Verde and the Styleline?
Given the choices above, which window would you recommend? Thanks for your help.

Perry - Homeowner - from 2021

[Site Editor's Answer]

Perry, I've looked at the Premium site, at their specs, and at their reviews, but I don't have anymore to go on beyond this. From what I can tell, their windows are probably on par with say the Milgard Style Line series. I would put the Monte Verde Bayview Window above these, but not by a ton. This is their entry level model. So, $5300 for the Premium Windows is probably offering some value, but you are still purchasing a pretty average to mediocre window.

Normally, I might caution against this, but San Diego's climate is pretty mild compared to most climates across the nation. Also, if you don't know how long you will stay in your condo, you might want to consider the less expensive option. If you plan to keep the condo long term, I would probably spend the extra money and go with the Monte Verde option.

Dane - Site Editor - from 2021

Premium Windows And Doors Reviews

Hi Dane, I called back the two companies that presented me with Anlin and asked if they could go back and sharpen their pencils. I think my final purchase will be between the two companies. Sivan was pushing Milgard and Premium. I was told that Premium Windows was started by the old CFO of Milgard, but it is a lower end product. (My neighbor just put into a house that he rents).

I'll let you know what happens!

Tracy - Homeowner - from 2018

Premium Windows vs Anlin Windows

Hi Tim, I am a homeowner in Bakersfield, CA that is replacing the original 1946 wooden frame single panes on our recently purchased home. We have received three bids from two contractors (Thank you in advance.)

Contractor A: 19 Anlin Del Mar windows for $17,172 ( Anlin Del Mar Windows Reviews )
Also Contractor A: 19 Anlin Monte Verde windows for $11,525
Contractor B: 17 Premium Windows for $6,036 (Premium Windows Website)

Contractor B does not seem like they would do a good job since they got the number of windows wrong on the bid (we asked for 19) and have generally had poor communication with us. So we want to stay away from them and we have not seen any reviews for Premium Windows.

Anlin Windows get very good reviews, but the $17k price point for the Del Mar windows seems excessively high versus the Monte Verde. Two questions:

1) Are the Del Mar windows that much better that they would warrant $6k higher price?

2) Is the quote for either the Del Mar or Monte Verde in the range of normal? Lastly, thanks for your Premium Windows reviews, which I have been combing through and there is some good stuff in here.

Curran - Homeowner - from 2017

[Site Editor's Answer]

Curran, the Del Mar is the better window, but I don't think it's worth the $6K more. I like Anlin windows but that price seems quite high for 19 replacements. Now, I agree that you don't want to go with a contractor who you are having reservations about BEFORE the job. I actually think the Monte Verde is a decent vinyl window and the upgraded Bay View option in this model is good.

Earlier, I checked the premium website and they look like cheap vinyl windows. I wouldn't be surprised if they were relabeled Atrium. However, I don't know this for a fact so I will try and collect some additional consumer reviews to get a better judge on this company. Finally, I think you need to either find the floor of Contractor A's bid by using the Monte Verde bid to drive his price down.

To that end, I think you should get a bid from a local Milgard dealer and a local Amerimax dealer and see what they offer. Consequently, I think this would bring some clarity to this huge range of bids you have so far.

Tim - Site Editor - from 2017

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