Walsh Windows Reviews

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Walsh Windows Reviews And Prices

Explore Walsh Windows reviews from this Minnesota-based vinyl window manufacturer. More On Walsh Window Costs

Walsh Windows gets a 4.2 out of 5 stars based on 3 Walsh Windows reviews below.

Dane - Site Editor - Page Last Updated: March 11, 2024

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Walsh Windows vs. Lindsay Lexington Windows

Dane, Thank you for all of your help. Here are the final results from which I will need to make a decision.

I was able to get 3 more quotes and some information on the Walsh Windows. The brand I was quoted on has a U-factor of 0.20, SHGC or 0.24, VT of 0.39, condensation Resistance of 74 and Air Leakage of <=0.3 - from the NFRC Website. Again this cost was quoted at about $13,500.

The first quote is for Soft-Lite. Again, the quotes seem outrageous. For the top of the line window I received a quote of $28,000. That is 15 Double Hung and 2 Picture Windows.

The only way to get Okna windows in Wisconsin is to go through AHT. I talked with the Okna sales department and apparently AHT has exclusive territory to sell the Okna brand in Wisconsin. They only sell the Okna 800 series composite windows and the quote was $32,300.

My final quote was for the Lindsay company Lexington brand window. Triple pane, (except the largest picture window double pane), triple glazed LoE 366, Argon filled and either the Air Leakage or U-factor of 0.17. The quoted price is $17,200. Lindsay does have a "NFRC Certified" sticker for their windows but I am not able to find them on the NFRC Website.

I actually signed a contract for these windows last night, May 30, 2017. I have 3 business days to cancel the project, which is Friday June 2, 2017, and I am hoping to hear back from you. If the Walsh 6000 series window with metal spacers is very comparable to the Lindsay Lexington window with non-metallic spacers I would go with the Walsh. If the Lexington is way better than the Walsh, I will stay with the Lexington.

Jennie - Homeowner - from 2017

[Site Editor's Answer]

If the choice is between Lindsay windows and Walsh, I would go with the Walsh. I have heard a bit more about them then Lindsay. The Walsh Tundra seems to be a good window, but again, I don't know a ton about either one.

Dane - Site Editor - from 2017

Walsh Tundra vs. Alliance Hawthorne

I am looking to replace windows in my house and would like to ask for your opinion on Walsh Tundra 6600 vinyl windows or Alliance Hawthorne windows. I have 2 double casements,1 single casement, 2 awning windows and a 60 inch circle top with 2 awnings mulled together at the factory. Are these decent windows and so they stand behind their warranty? Do you have any other window company you would recommend? Thanks.

Dan - Homeowner - from 2015

[Site Editor's Response]

Dan, neither of these window companies is that well known, certainly not when compared with the larger window manufacturers. I took a look at both windows and they seem very close in terms of performance. I would say that both windows are not flashy in terms of how they look, and neither ais a bad vinyl windows by any means - both pretty average, which is necessarily a bad thing. I would say that the products are equal in strength - so the big question is going to be which company provides better installation - which one do you feel represents themselves more professionally? Do they offer a labor warranty? How long have their installation teams worked together? Which company offers the better price.

Honestly, I don't know the details on the warranties they offer on the windows - I would imagine they are similar, but that's just a guess. I would say get some answers on the installation front and go with your gut in terms of which company is going to do the better job.

Dane - Site Editor - from 2015

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