Apex Windows vs Renewal By Andersen

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Apex Windows vs Renewal By Andersen

Apex Windows vs Renewal By Andersen

Apex Windows vs Renewal By Andersen - let's compare these known brands in terms of structure, window series they sell, their market approach, and on pricing.

Bottom Line: Both of these companies are franchises, but here the similarities stop. Apex sells a good vinyl window series door-to-door at a fair to slightly high price point. Renewal sells a decent composite window using television advertising and home mailers as a way to get in the door of their consumer base at a high price point.

Dane - Site Editor - Page Updated In January, 2024

"RbA is one of the most recognizable brands in the industry. The franchisee is responsible for giving some of that profit back to the Anderson company and this is one of the reasons why RbA tends to be expensive."

RbA Costs: $$$$/$$$$$
(4/5 out of 5)

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Apex Windows vs Renewal By Andersen

Company Information

Apex Energy Solutions was started in the year 2000 and is headquartered in Lionsville, Indiana. The company is structured as a franchise (just like Renewal by Andersen) - with over 19 locations in a dozen states. The company has a decently good reputation, but the way in which they market and sell their series does lead to some complaints.

Apex Windows Reviews

Renewal by Andersen is one of the most recognizable brands in the industry. Most people don’t know that Renewal is actually a franchise that is owned by the Anderson preparation. This means that each franchise is independently owned and operated. The franchisee sells the windows and is responsible for giving some of that profit back to the Anderson company itself. Because the franchisee is required to buy their products from Andersen, the parent company also makes money on the product itself as well. This is one of the reasons why RbA tends to be quite expensive.

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What They Sell

Apex Window Series Apex sells the Insignia series, which is a relabeled Alside 8000 series with some nice solid upgrades. I would say the Insignia is more similar to the Preservation window series (Alside's premium vinyl window which is marketed as a stand alone series). The Insignia series is a high-end 2nd tier vinyl window. The Insignia e2 achieves a .10 air infiltration rating - a good rating (not great, but good).

Renewal Window Series Similar to Apex, Renewal by Andersen is relatively simple in what they sell. They sell one single window and this is a fibrex composite series. The rest of the window is comprised of good quality glass components and hardware. In general, the window is a solid product. However, the energy efficiency numbers of their double hung, for instance, is just kind of mediocre. The air infiltration rating of this window is approximately .17, which is quite unimpressive when compared with the best vinyl windows. Their fibrex series is, however quite a nice looking window.

How They Market

Apex Marketing Apex goes door to door through neighborhoods pitching homeowners on replacing their windows with the Insignia. Often, the initial price will be somewhat high, but then they offer you to be part of their Promotional Home Program. This typically means putting one of their signs in your yard for a certain amount of time. It's free advertising for them and it's pretty clever because then when the neighbors go to get new windows, that's the name that sticks with them.

RBA Marketing Renewal markets their windows directly to consumers using television advertising and home mailers as a way to reach out to a potential customer base. this type of marketing tends to be very effective, especially because the quality of their marketing materials is quite high. The fact that Anderson is such a well-known name certainly helps in getting them into the homes of customers where they can then provide their project bids. The franchisee buys the window from Renewal, but they subcontract out the installation portion of the project. This means that it is important for consumers to check the ratings and reviews of the individual Renewal branch in order to make sure that the installation company that they use does good work.

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Cost Comparisons

Apex Windows Prices are a 5 to 7 on a scale from 1 to 10 for vinyl window costs. This is usually pretty reasonable and the window is generally pretty good. Because the company is structured like a franchise, the installation is going to vary considerably from branch to branch. Make sure that the Apex branch you are dealing with is a quality outfit.

Renewal by Andersen Prices are a 9 to 10 on a scale from 1 to 10 for composite window costs. There are a number of reasons for these high prices. The first and possibly the most important is the very name, Anderson windows, which is associated with high-end expensive wood windows. Another reason is due to the franchise structure. Because franchisees have to pay a portion of their profits to renewal, they typically add in costs to allow for their own profit margin. Finally, marketing and overhead cost requires most franchisees to add in costs, which results in very expensive units.

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Have a question on Apex Windows vs Renewal By Andersen? Hit me up. dane@replacementwindowsreviews.co

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