Intus Windows Reviews

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Intus Windows Reviews And Prices

Explore Intus Windows reviews and costs on their energy efficient windows and doors.

Company Information: Intus is headquartered in Fairfax, Virginia and has been in business since 2010. The company manufactures energy efficient windows, window walls, hinged and sliding doors. Their products are often used in commercial and residential projects that are meant to be very energy efficient (think passive homes). Intus typically sells to developers, contractors, engineers, etc. who have customers looking for either a passive rated home or simply a highly efficient home.

Are Intus Windows Any Good? The company makes the Supera CW and AW series, both attain very good energy efficiency ratings. The CW is the less expensive of the two series and is the slightly less efficient and is available in less custom options.

Intus Windows gets a 4.8 out of 5 stars based on 6 consumer reviews below.

Dane - Site Editor - Page Last Updated: June 19, 2024

Intus Windows Cost: $$$$/$$$$$
(4/5 out of 5)

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Intus Windows Reviews

I have been collecting window bids for a passive house that I am building. So far, we have bids from Zola, Intus and CoMetal. The prices are high, but I also realize that the windows are very good and very energy efficient. In total, we have 30 tilt/turn fiberglass windows and four rather complicated sliding doors (one is a folding door that is quite expensive).

Cometal (not sure which series): $58K

Intus Premium 78 Series: $50K

Zola Classic Series: $49K

Barry - Homeowner - from 2016

[Site Editor's Answer]

Barry, we don't get a ton of inquiries on these high end polymer vinyl windows simply because the residential market tends to be very small at this steep price point. I have heard of Intus and Zola, but not Cometal. On the plus side, it looks like the bids are all in the same basic price range, obviously especially the Intus and Zola. I'm assuming the performance numbers on them are pretty similar, this would be one of the big comparison pieces for me.

The real factor though that would drive my decision would be installation. I would look for the team that works exclusively with the brand of window they are selling, and can tell you about some of the jobs they have done in the past etc. I would want excellent reviews and some nice references, preferably a few from at least five years back to get a sense of how well the windows and install held up over time.

Good luck and please let us know how the project ends up going!

Tim - Site Editor - from 2016 Zola Windows Reviews

Intus Windows Passive House

I want high SHGC windows for a passive house. Could you help?

Richard - Homeowner - from 2015

[Editor's Response]

Paul, thanks for the question, this is one question we are hearing of with more and more frequency. While Passive Houses are less popular in the United States compared to Europe and Canada, but this is changing, albeit slowly. In terms of price and availability, here in the U.S. we will be looking primarily towards Canadian window manufacturers who either ship to the states or who have some limited distribution in the U.S. (typically in the Northern States near the U.S. Canada border, although a passive home can obviously be located anywhere.)

Whoever you are using to build your home should be somewhat familiar with these companies. Passive house windows will all be custom ordered based on the direction they face in order to maximize the SHGC or passive heat that they are able to collect. To this end, make sure to ask about the timeline to order and ship the windows to the job site. Here are three companies off the top of my head that specializes in passive home technology...


Tim - Site Editor - from 2015

Alpen Windows Reviews

Intus Windows Prices

I just got a price quote on Intus windows and I can't figure out if it's high or not. I really like their windows just FYI. I've been doing research and found one window forum that said I should expect to pay $30 to $35 psf for a fixed frame and $40 to $45 for double hungs. We have 34 windows in total and 27 are fixed. The quote was for $28K and I'm not if this is a reasonable price or not.

1 24" x 48" fixed frame window - $385

1 36" x 48" white double hung - $745

1 42" x 72" white double hung - $1000

Cindy - Homeowner - from 2014

[Contractor Response]

Cindy, the prices you were quoted seem to be in line with the per square foot window price that you mention, perhaps a touch higher, but this could be accounted for in all sorts of ways - upgrades and add ons. I take it these prices are without installation, because if they are including installation, they are fantastic. Intus makes a nice passive home window and I don't see anything out of line with what you've been quoted here. Good luck!

Tim - Site Editor - from 2014

Intus Windows Cost

I ordered the Intus Eforte window and paid roughly $17K for a total of 22 windows, all of them openable. The total per square fotoage is 420, which includes sales tax and screens, but does not include grids or shipping costs. This comes out to roughly $40 per square foot. Is this the going rate?

Bobby - Homeowner - from 2013

[Contractor Response]

Yes, this is just about right on, you will typically be paying somewhere between $30 and $40 per square foot, depending on whether you are ordering a fixed or operable window, whether you are getting grids and/or grids, as well as the size of the window. Typically, you will spend a bit more per square foot for smaller windows compare to larger ones. Operable windows are going to add to the cost, as well as the hardware and glass options you select. More on window replacement prices.

Bryan - Contractor - from 2013

Intus Window Quality

My wife and I have been looking at Intus Windows and they are really well made compared to some of the sample windows we've seen. In particular, I like the quality and durability of the hardware and the screens are so much sturdier than the Marvin windows that we currently have. They are not inexpensive, but I think you get what you pay for and Intus just makes a quality window and door. We haven't bought any of the windows yet, but have two of their entry doors and I think they are head and shoulders better then the Marvin doors we used to have. Now I will say that the doors were pricey, I think we paid someting like $2400 plus for the doors. More on Marvin windows prices.

The ordering and delivery time was longer than I expected so you should factor this into your project timeline.

Gordon - Homeowner - from 2012

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