Modern Builders Supply Reviews

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Modern Builders Supply Reviews And Prices

Modern Builders Supply Reviews

Modern Builders Supply is a wholesale distributor for doors, windows, roofing, siding, and kitchens. Additionally, the company has been in business since 1944 and currently operates 25 design centers and branches across the midwestern states. MBS owns and sells Polaris doors and windows, which are considered quite a respectable brand. Scroll down to read our Modern Builders Supply Reviews.

Overall Rating: Modern Builders Supply gets a 4.0 out of 5 stars based on 2 consumer reviews below.

My Take On This Company: A great option for do it yourselfers and consumers who want the power to buy a quality brand, but have it installed by their own contractor or other professional.
(Always Get 3 to 4 Local Price Quotes)

Dane - Site Editor
Original Publish Date -

Modern Builders Supply: $$/$$$
(2 to 3 out of 5)
(Amongst All Vinyl Window Manufacturers)

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Homeowner Review Section

Below are Modern Builders Supply reviews and consumer pricing, complaints, kudos, etc. So, enjoy the read and hopefully this helps you decide whether MBS is right for you.

Dane - Site Editor

MBS vs Window Nation

I have two price quotes that I'm considering on 13 replacement windows. So, the first bid is from Window Nation on their GrandView series (made by Vytex windows I believe). Specifically, the price quote is $12.8K. Then, the other option is Modern Builders Supply, which would mean I go the route of hiring an installer on my own. Lastly, I'm assuming that the MBS would be less expensive - is this right>

Brian - Homeowner - from 2022

[Site Editor's Answer]

Brian, the Window Nation quote isn't cheap so I would definitely price out the MBS and make sure you know which Polaris window you are getting. For me, their lower end window is just okay, but their mid range and premiums windows are good. Also, I would suggest getting a couple more bids and then send them to me and we can work through what you have and go from there. Finally, yes the MBS should be less expensive than Window Nation.

Tim - Site Editor - from 2022

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