Thebco Windows Reviews

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Thebco Windows Reviews And Prices

Thebco Windows Reviews

Explore Thebco Windows reviews and costs on this Wisconsin based installer who uses the Restorations series vinyl window.

Company Information: is a Madison, Wisconsin based company that has been in business since 1976. Thebco offers replacement window and door installation within the state - a local operation compared to say a Power Home Remodeling. ( PowerHRG Reviews )

What They Sell: Thebco sells and installs the Restorations series, which is considered a top performer. Reinforced with fibercore on both the meeting rail and the vertical sash, the Restorations features a Max Edge spacer and foam filled chambers. The frame and sash are fairly narrow, which gives the window a nice slender and clean look. The window incorporates a clever tilt sash mechanism and comes standard with a high transparency screen. In addition, consumers will be impressed by the high quality frame finish.

Are Thebco Windows Any Good? Yes, the window that they sell is very good. The Restorations series is one of the best as far as I am concerned.

Overall Rating: Thebco gets a 4.5 out of 5 stars based on 1 consumer review below.

Dane - Site Editor - Page Last Updated: March 30, 2024

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Dane - Site Editor

Thebco Windows Reviews

Hey there Dane. I was hoping you could shed some light on a Wisconsin company that gave us a quote recently their name is Thebco, and they carry what they call the Restorations window. According to the guy who gave us the bid, the Restorations is one of the best vinyl windows on the market. Is this true or snake oil salesman?

Sheila - Homeowner - from 2024

[Site Editor's Answer]

Sheila, the Sunrise Restorations window is one of the best windows on the market in the vinyl frame space. I hear good things about Thebco, and they certainly carry a very good window. Now, this doesn’t mean that I would take their bid and sign a work order today.

Instead, I would collect a few more bids and see what other windows are available, and what other companies in your area would charge in order to see how this compares to Thebco. I am certainly happy to look through the bids with you and to give you some unbiased advice as to the best bang for your book. Send me the bids or the summaries of the bids and let’s take it from there.

Dane - Site Editor - from 2024

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