Energy Wall Windows Reviews

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Energy Wall Windows Reviews And Prices

Explore energyWall windows reviews, including on their top of the line energyWeld model.

Window Information: Energy Wall are manufactured by Polaris Windows, a well respected vinyl window and door company out of Ohio that has solid distribution throughout the eastern half of the country. Energy Wall is essentially a relabeled UltraWeld window, which is Polaris's top-of-the-line vinyl window. The energy Wall offers a few options and extras that aren't available on the UltraWeld, such as a green reinforcement and a black stainless spacer.

Product Information: The window is quite nice looking, a bit nicer looking than the UltraWeld. The Energy Wall is only available through certain select dealers. Perhaps the best way to describe it is a souped up UltraWeld. According to the website, the energyWeld casement (40" by 80") offers a .01 air infiltration, which is more of less the best AI rating. Energy Wall Window Prices

Energy Wall Windows gets a 4.9 out of 5 stars based on 7 Energy Wall windows reviews below.

Dane - Site Editor - Page Updated in January, 2024

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Energy Wall Window Cost vs. RBA

Dane, we have 23 windows with most of them being 32x74 and serval 45x82, so they are not small. House built in 1880 with still the original windows. We have a lot of rotten wood around the frames which only one company took note of and said they would replace it all for us. We received quotes from a low of $12,000 to a high of $57,000. The $12,000 guy didn’t even show us a window and said take a look at the website and they where made in Indiana American window and glass(couldn’t even find them listed on energy star). The high ones include Marvin Windows and RBA. We feel pretty settled to go with the Energy Wall triple pain window at $36,000 and this is a locally owned company and this is the company stating they will take care of the rotten wood. Mainly wanted to see your take on this price point for the Energy Wall. We really liked the sales person and the product we saw.

Shalon- Homeowner - from 2022

[Website Editor Reply]

Shalon, it seems like a relatively fair price point based on the other prices you've collected. The Energy Wall with a triple pane is an excellent window and a really great option. Based on the other bids, especially the Renewal By Andersen window cost, the quality of the window and the general scope of the work, I would say this is a good price point.

Dane - Website Editor - from 2022

Energywall Energyweld Windows

Hello, I am having all 27 of my windows replaced. I am also having the siding done on the house. I have two quotes for the siding and windows. The two quotes for the siding part are about the same for the same material. The window quote is a little different.

One quoted Energywall Energyweld windows. The other quoted Viwinco cambridge. These two seem comparable in product, but it's hard to tell which is better. I was wondering if you could give me your opinion on them.

Thank you.

Paul - Homeowner - from 2020

[Website Editor Reply]

Paul, the Energywall Energyweld is essentially a Polaris UltraWeld, an excellent vinyl window.

The Viwinco cambridge is a very average window in my estimation.

The Energyweld route would be my strong suggestion.

Tim - Site Editor - from 2020

EnergyWall Windows

Hi Dane, first off, appreciate all the help. I do have one little update- the Polaris window they've been quoting me isn't the ThermaWeld, it's actually the EnergyWall window which they say Polaris makes "for them." With that in mind, would you lean towards EnergyWall vs. the Provia Endure, assuming the price is equal and both installation companies are reputable?

Thanks so much!

Aaron - Homeowner - from 2020

[Website Editor Reply]

Aaron, the EnergyWall window is a relabeled UltraWeld, Polaris’s slight step up from the ThermalWeld. I think I would go with the EnergyWall over the Endure, but honestly they are very close in terms of quality and craftsmanship.

I would be much more concerned by the company doing the install at this point than which of these really good windows you were getting.

Dane - Website Editor - from 2020

Polaris Energy Wall Windows

Hi Dane, I came upon your site when looking for reviews on Polaris Energy Wall windows. I was not able to find a whole lot about them online, and so far your site has been the most helpful. Would you be able to take a look at the attached sheet and let me know what a good price would be.

Thank you for your time.

Tami - Homeowner - from 2018

[Website Editor Reply]

Tami, it's too difficult to bid out a project based on a spec sheet only. Too many variables. The Energy Wall window is a very good window and a medium sized slider with normal installation should run $650 plus or minus $100 for variables. The patio slider are tough to price out....maybe $1800 plus or minus $300 for variables.

10 soldiers
1 patio door
1 trapezoid shaped window

Dane - Website Editor - from 2018

Energyweld Windows vs. Alside Mezzo

I got a price from local window installer 17 windows installed $11874. mostly 35" x 70" 1 picture window, elite 2 glass package. Exact same price for 17 Allside Mezzo. Energyweld looks like a better product , foam filled frame, hidden double hung latches, etc. comes out to about $698 per window installed. What do you think. Supposedly the windows are quoted 40% off, labor is $4080. What do you think. The ratings beat Mezzo hands down. Thanks

Mark and Kathy - Homeowner - from 2018

[Website Editor Reply]

Mark and Kathy, I agree that the Energy Wall window is the superior window to the Alside Mezzo, which is a decent enough window itself. I think the price sounds quite fair, although I would go back to the local installer and tell him that if he can do it for $11,000 flat, you'll sign a work order right away. See what he says.

You can even tell him that you got a bid for the Alside Mezzo for $10.5K and that that price is more in line with your budget. Then I'd go ahead and have him put in the Energyweld Window. From what I know about it, it's quite a nice window.

If you get a chance, let me know how it turns out!

All the best,

Dane - Website Editor - from 2018

[Mark's Response]

Thanks for the tip I told him $10,500 from Alside. They agreed to $11,000, no financing on the Energyweld. I wasn't going to finance it anyway. I am in St. Louis MO, right now 20 degrees. House is a freezer. Minus 20 wind chill yesterday. They said 6 to 8 weeks 50% down. At least it should warm up by then, somewhat. If all goes well on the install , I will write back tell you the details.

Mark and Kathy - Homeowner - from 2018

Energy Wall Window Quality

I just got a bid on energyWall windows, but I haven't heard much about them. I was hoping you might be able to shed some light on the company and their windows (I know they sell doors too, but not sure that's in our budget for this round of remodeling.)

Thomas - Homeowner - from 2015

[Site Editor's Response]

Thomas, thanks for the question. So here is the deal; energy Wall windows are manufactured by Polaris, a well respected vinyl window and door company out of Ohio that has some pretty solid distribution throughout the country (not so much on the west coast.) Energy Wall is essentially a relabeled UltraWeld window, which is Polaris's top of the line vinyl windows. The energy Wall offers a few options and extras that aren't available on the UltraWeld, such as a green reinforcement and black stainless spacer.

The window is quite nice looking, I would say nicer than the UltraWeld. The problem, not for you obviously, but for other consumers, is the availability of the energyWall models. I believe it is only available through certain select dealers. Perhaps the best way to describe it is a souped up UltraWeld. According to the website, the energyWeld casement (40" by 80") offers a .01 air infiltration, which is more of less the best AI numbers possible.

I would love to hear the price point on the window quote, I'd be interested to see how it compared to Polaris window prices.

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