ES Windows Reviews

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ES Windows Reviews And Prices

Explore ES Windows Reviews from this Florida based window manufacturer on their Multimax, Elite, and Prestige Series.

Company Information: ES Windows are a Florida based company that manufacturers windows and doors that are designed to handle the severe and harsh weather along the coast. Their impact or hurricane windows are marketed for both commercial and residential purposes.

Their Window Series: ES offers three residential series, including the Multimax, Elite, and Prestige. The Multimax is their most affordable impact window, the Elite is the “mid range” and the Prestige is their premium offering.

We currently only have three reviews, but we are working to get more posted.

Overall Rating: ES Windows gets a 4.2 out of 5 stars based on 3 consumer reviews below.

Dane - Site Editor - Page Last Updated: March 16, 2024

Please note, our website is not affiliated with this window manufacturer.

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ES Windows Reviews

I'm a bit confused - ES windows is based in Colombia I believe. How do they sell in the U.S. and are they good as far as a brand of windows?

Matilda - Homeowner - from 2024

[Site Editor's Answer]

Matilda, my understanding is that ES Windows is based in Columbia, but has vendors in the United States that sell their windows. Not all that uncommon to be honest, although most of the out of the U.S. brands are from Canada or Europe. ES makes a very good product, with a quality fit and finish. This company is not to be confused with ECO windows - which can be confusing.

Dane - Site Editor - from 2024

ES Windows Reviews vs PGT

Hello Dane, looking to purchase impact windows. I have a quote from ES out of Florida. Sales guy is pushing aluminum. Would you recommend this ? I also have a quote from PGT on one of their vinyl model.

Julie - Homeowner - from 2023

[Site Editor's Answer]

Julie, I don't know enough about ES so I can't comment on their quality. PGT does make an excellent impact window. I think I prefer vinyl vs aluminum windows, unless you are in a very hot climate like Dallas or Houston.

My top picks for storm windows are [list pulled for duplicate content]. For more pricing information, check out our hurricane impact windows cost calculator.

Dane - Site Editor - from 2023

ES Windows Reviews vs Storm Tight

I recently had a quote from a company called ES Windows. Also from a company called FHA but they seemed like kind of a joke. They gave us a quote but never even measured - does that make any sense????

PGT Impact windows are another company I hear about. Should I get a bid from them?

Storm Tight gave me a bid that started off at $110K and then somehow went down to $78K. They apparently use ProVia. ProVia Doors Reviews

Belen - Homeowner - from 2022

[Website Editor Reply]

Belen, I don't hear much about ES, but I know they make impact series. I have heard the same thing about FHA, so let's get rid of that bid.

PGT and CWS are both good options.

I don't hear a lot about Storm Tight, but I will say that ProVia is a very well regarded manufacturer. That replacement window cost bid seems excessive to me. I might toss that aside as well.

Tim - Site Editor - from 2022

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