Polar Seal Windows Reviews

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Polar Seal Windows Reviews And Prices

Explore Polar Seal Windows Reviews, prices, and ratings on this Grand Rapids, Michigan based vinyl window manufacturer.

Company Information: The company is based in Grand Rapids, Michigan and has been manufacturing windows and doors since the 1950s. While they originally started out as Ajax Aluminum, they eventually switched to Polar Seal. They continue to manufacture a good vinyl window and door.

Company Rating:Polar Seal gets a 4.6 out of 5 stars based on 5 consumer reviews below.

Dane - Site Editor - Page Last Updated: March 27, 2024

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Polar Seal Windows Reviews

Hi Dane, hopefully only replacing glass in an old bay. So far contractors say only punky wood sill where the aluminum clad pulled away at bottom. So I am not impressed with alum cladding since my window would be fine if it had been fiberglass. My question, what gauge of vinyl or fiberglass windows should I be looking for for a sturdy window, do you think vi al will discolor, reviews say it stays vibrant, my ext color is black. What cíñale or fiberglass window would you go with at mid price.

I am a retired nurse on ss now, but being a large window I would like it to be decent on insulation and durability. Lao read that fiberglass is brittle below 40 degrees, I am in north Michigan with temps in low 20 at times. Also, I can’t see pvc from window bowing with temp changes, but that would depend on gauge and infrastructure. So many questions, but even Polartec windows wants appro 6000.00 for new bay includes install! Wow please give more direction There is so much to know, and you have done a lot of research. Have you heard of Polarseal windows??

Sylvia - Homeowner - from 2022

[Website Editor Reply]

Sylvia, my advise is get a bunch of bids on a bay window as you will probably see a wide spectrum on price. I would go with a top tier vinyl window myself -- vinyl handles the cold and will deliver the best energy efficiency at the best price point. Bay Window Prices

Dane - Website Editor - from 2022

Fiberglass vs Polar Seal

Thankyou for your input. Of course I like the look of wood, but just a poor caulk or instillation can rot the wood quickly. Fiberglass is stronger than vinyl, but you seem to feel vinyl is a better frame. Is fiberglass and stuff like Anderson fibrex brittle in cold temps? I mean you have to put the screws to hold the window in well, and if that cracks or splinters the frame, not good. Have you ever heard of polar seal windows?

Jennie - Homeowner - from 2022

[Website Editor Reply]

A high quality fiberglass, composite, or vinyl frame works -- none should crack in cold weather and all should come with a lifetime warranty. Keep your paperwork in case something does happen down the line, but any quality window should handle cold just fine.

I have heard of Polar Seal, but I haven't heard much. I really can't recommend this or not recommend them based on my knowledge.

Dane - Website Editor - from 2022

Polar Seal Windows vs. Joyce

Dane I have 3 windows to get replaced. I had the living room window replaced by Joyce this spring that was 2,800.00 for that one and now they gave me a quote for 7,500.00 for 5 double hung or 4,700.00 for 3 sliders. These quotes are for the same openings. The living room replacement is the Joyce heritage window. And I can't tell yet if it is going to be a good winter weather window as it has not yet been thru a winter.

Anyway I asked a local forum about what windows people in the area have got and polar seal come up quite a few timess and the bbb gives polar seal 5 stars and Joyce 3.86 stars. So have you heard anything about the Polar Seal company and there windows? I have not yet got a bit from polar seal but I may if I hear good things about them for you.

I really do not want to go with wall side or hanson they are on tv all day long pushing there products. And the Joyce salesperson said to avoid Anderson now as they have gone downhill but some it he area seem to like Anderson windows. She said she did work for Anderson in sales and had to leave.

Anyway what do you have on the Joyce and or the polar seal? On the polar seal site I do not see any choices for different models they say best in the business warranty and then the fine print tells a different story the Joyce has a lifetime and transferable warranty unlike polar seal.

Bob - Homeowner - from 2022

[Website Editor Reply]

I've never heard of Polar Seal, but you are correct, they do seem to get good reviews. Joyce makes a good window, but man oh man, that is an expensive quote. If the Polar Seal installation company gets good reviews and the price point is right, I suppose I would go with them. ( Joyce Windows Reviews )

Dane - Website Editor - from 2022

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