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Home : Frames & Materials : Bay Windows Prices Bay Windows Prices
Bay windows prices will range anywhere from $1,500 to $6,000 plus, which includes the replacement window cost (for 3 windows) and the installation costs. Bay windows are essentially three (or more) windows that are connected at an angle and bump out the wall in which they are installed. Join me as we delve further into bay windows prices at several different levels.
Bay Windows Prices
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Bay Windows Prices :: Project BasicsMost times when you order a bay window, the company giving you the bid will write down the dimensions, details, etc. and give you a price quote for the work. Then they will turn around and order the "bay-box" from one of several companies in the U.S. that specializes in bay window boxes or housings. Th bay-box company (not an official name fyi) will then fulfill the order to spec and send the finished product back to the window company.
Bay Windows Prices :: Entry Level
Entry level projects will range from $1500 to $2500 fully installed. These will almost always be premade units (bay-boxes) that a homeowner can order using either stock or custom sizes and dimensions. At this price point, it will usually be less expensive fixed frame vinyl windows, which is a good thing for energy efficiency, but reduces your options for air flow. Size wise, these projects will typically be smaller and less involved - thus the less expensive price point. From an installation perspective, the existing frame should be in good condition - if the installation crew has to do work on the frame to get it ready to handle the weight of the bay window, it may push the price point into the next category. -- Price Range: $1500 to $2500 Fully Installed --
Bay Windows Prices :: Mid Range
Mid range projects will range from $2500 to $4000 fully installed. Projects at this price point will be either premade units or custom orders that are either put together at the factory or assembled on site depending on the project specifics. Usually, this will be larger in dimensions to the entry level projects. In terms of the windows themselves, there will usually be more options available in terms of the frame color, finish, and material. You nay have an upgraded glass package with a nice low-e glass option, mid grade spacers and fills. Homeowners can also expect more options in terms of the actual window styles where the middle window is fixed and the two sides will be casements or double hungs that can provide better ventilation and air flow. Price Range: $2500 to $4000 Fully Installed
Bay Windows Prices :: High End
High end projects range in price from $4000 to $6000 plus fully installed. These are nice additions to a home that will almost always use a high quality wood interior with an aluminum or fiberglass exterior cladding for strength and durability. They are often custom jobs that again can either be built at the factory and brought out be the factory installers or assembled onsite. Expect top of the line glass and hardware with lots of upgrades and options thrown in - especially on the higher end of this price point. Many of the set ups will include casements on the side windows for added ventilation, although some homeowners prefer to stick with fixed or non-movable windows because they feel they add to the overall beauty of the bay window set up. Price Range: $4000 to $6000 Fully Installed
Bay Windows Prices :: Installation CostWe've included the window installation cost in the ranges above, but it is worth noting how much the install is adding to these projects. Typically for premade units a crew of two or three installers is required for the installation. For custom installs onsite, there are two installers that are framing out the existing opening to accomodate the new bay window. This can be a time consuming task that must be done correctly to handle the weight of the bay and not cause any long term damage to the wall where it is going.
ProVia Price QuoteHere are the specs of what I'm looking at: 96x51 Bay Window with Braces, White Vinyl Exterior, Prefinished White Interior, Double Hung / Picture Window Combo, (1/4-1/2-1/4) ComforTech TLA Glass, Half Screens -- ProVia Endure Series. ( ProVia Endure Windows Reviews )
[Site Editor's Answer]Manny, that's a pretty fair price for the ProVia Endure - an excellent product to be sure.
Bay Windows CostGood morning, the guy at ABC Supply said he wouldn't touch the bay window from Provia. Told me Alliance for price and quality was the way to go.
[Site Editor's Answer]Nick, interesting. I strongly disagree with him.
Bay Window Cost QuoteHey there. I was just quoted 15k for a bay window and triple casement window. Okna 500 triple pane. That is way to expensive. But the windows were beautiful. What would your recommendation be for windows in wisconsin. And reliable installer? (Okna Windows Cost)
[Site Editor's Answer]Nick, wow, that is a pricey bay window cost quote! Keep going and let's find you a better deal with a good/great product.
Bay Window CostWe got a bid on a bay window that consists of three casements.
[Site Editor's Answer]Emily, I can't speak to the company portion -- mainly because I was confused which Long Home Products branch I was looking at :) but the Mass. LHP that I saw received good marks on their installation. Window wise, the KHPP Meridian is a great window. Very high quality. I think you stick with LHP - but you call them back and say something like we are a little bit concerned about the installation as we did see a couple of "not so great" reviews.
Bay Windows PricesHi Dane, I was quoted around $6000 for a OKNA bay window full replacement (1 picture, 2 casements). Dimensions of bay is roughly 105" Wide and 72" High. This includes materials and labor. If the existing roof is not properly mounted, another $600 would be charged to remove and remount properly. Okna Windows Reviews
[Site Editor's Answer]Lucy, when it comes to bay windows prices tend to fluctuate A LOT. Some companies don't want to hassle with sending them off and ordering custom "boxes" and then having to do what amounts to a pretty difficult installation (at least compared to a normal replacement window). So they might bid it out at a high price. This actually looks like a price I would expect for that sized bay window, but it's still tough to tell.
[Lucy's Reply]I filled out the quote request as you suggested, easy peesy. We'll see what else we get. I’m in a suburb of Detroit, MI
[Site Editor's Answer]Each region is different so you really need to speak with the rep and make sure that the series selected complies with the program. The series I recommend are excellent, but even some of those don't meet the stringent requirements. It's still a bit of the wild west when it comes to getting an Energy Star compliant window.
Bay Windows PricesAfternoon Dane, I did seek out a Soft-Lite vendor near me since you apparently have high regard for them and received an in home verbal quote on an Elements (their recommendation)
[Site Editor's Answer]Danny, the Soft-Lite Elements, although excellent, is definitely NOT worth double the price that they are asking. The Sunrise is certainly the better value of the two --
Project Price QuoteHi Dane, we are considering replacing a double hung kitchen window with a vinyl white bay-window. Some of the manufactures that the contractors use in our area include:
[Site Editor's Answer]Karen, the best brand of the three is the Soft-Lite -- by quite a bit I would say. Simonton is a good brand with their premium series, and Alside is just kind of meh for me. Bay windows cost are tricky because there are so many variables in terms of size, configuration, etc. so I think getting multiple bids is especially key for honing in on nice value in the marketplace...I have a list of recommended bids if you'd like to take a look. Window Replacement Cost
Bay Window Cost CalculatorA few quick words about how our bay window cost calculator works. You're locked in on the project type, but you can select from five different frame materials: wood clad, composite, fiberglass, aluminum, and vinyl (listed here in order from most expensive to least expensive). Then we have the quality of the window brand: entry level, mid range, and premium. |