Vector Windows Reviews

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Vector Windows Reviews And Prices

Vector Windows Reviews

Vector Windows is based out of Fergus Falls, Minnesota and was started back in 1995 under the name Vinylite Windows. In the middle of the 2000s, they changed the name to Vector and today they manufacture the Envision vinyl window series. Scroll down to read our Vector Windows Reviews.

Bottom Line: Although I don't hear too much about Vector Windows, they are now on my radar, and I have my ears open to any and all consumer reviews or feedback. Would love to hear from you on your thoughts, reviews, complaints, kudos, etc. on this vinyl window manufacturer.

Vector Windows gets a 3.9 out of 5 stars based on 2 consumer reviews below.

Dane - Site Editor - Page Last Updated: June 27, 2024

Please note, our website is not affiliated with this window manufacturer.

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Vector Windows Reviews

Good Day Tim, I found your email from your newsletter. I am looking to replaces 9 sliding window in my House. My home is located near Green Bay. I am looking for vinyl material. I understand that there different types of vinyl quality in the market - Which manufacture are using the mid range material. I am looking for a mid range window with this specification. U-Value 0.3 / R-Value + R 5 / SHGC less 0.4 / VT 40-70.

I been thinking on Vector windows, which there is limited information - I think they are contractor range but I am not sure. I been doing my research and there are many manufacturers in the market that sell replacement window that it is overwhelming!!!!!

My goal is to replace my windows - My budget is $300 - 400 cost per window w/out labor? Window Replacement Prices Would you have give me some advices? Thanks for your time and assistant.

Walberto - Homeowner - from 2020

[Website Editor Reply]

Walberto, I'm going to send you some windows I consider good and great. Go through the list and get some different price bids to see what's out there. I've never heard of Vector windows so I'm not going to comment on them at this time.

Tim - Site Editor - from 2020

[Walberto's Reply]

Good Day Tim, I did as you indicated in your text. I have 4 quotes for 9 windows;

1) Vector quote $2,000 for - I do not know much about the quality of this window but our local Lumber suppliers recommended. What do you know about this company?

2) EcoSky quote $4,000 plus another 11000 to install it. They do not sell the window along.

3) Belmont (alliance) quote $2400 Alliance Windows Reviews

4) Wincore 7700 quote $3800

What are the advantage and disadvantages? What are your thoughts? I am located close to Green Bay, Wisconsin.

Walberto - Homeowner - from 2020

[Website Editor Reply]

Walberto, the best quote for me on your list is the last one, the Wincore 7700. This is a good window, quite solid and that is an excellent price, lower than I would have expected. I don't know enough about Eco Sky (to be more honest, I know nothing about them). So, for me, right now the Wincore is the winner. Wincore Windows Reviews

You could try for an Okna or Sunrise bid, but they will be more than the Wincore 7700 bid. I would definitely pass on the Vector window option.

Tim - Site Editor - from 2020

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