Galaxy Windows Reviews

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Galaxy Windows Reviews And Prices

Explore Galaxy Windows Reviews from consumers and industry experts alike on this New Jersey window company.

Dane - Site Editor - Page Last Updated: March 16, 2024

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Galaxy Windows Reviews

Hi, Dane, I was searching for more information about the window brands and found your website. Thank you for your work. I am replacing 7 double hung windows (bottom part with tempered glass) + 2 picture windows + 1 half- circle window - all with grids. Here are the quotes:

Galaxy Windows $11,809.00

Tri-State Window And Siding: $9298

Home Depot Simonton 6500: $11,727.99

I was worried about the installation quality of those independent companies. One of the reviews I found online said that Tri-State did not honor their warranty. So, I thought that HD is a reputable company. They will care more about their reputation. I was surprised to read that you don't like their installation.

Have you heard of Galaxy? Are they good in installation? This process is stressful. Thank you for your Galaxy windows reviews page and all of your assisting in advance.

Jade - Homeowner - from 2022

[Website Editor Reply]

Jade, Tri State gets good reviews, but I can't figure out what window they are putting in. Galaxy gets better reviews, but I have no idea about their windows either. I've never heard of them so I will assume they are a mid range vinyl window in general. The Simonton 6100 series is quite good, but HD's installation is hit or miss for me. I don't think it's worth the gamble unless I knew the crew and I could independently check their reviews and ratings.

Since you are in New Jersey, I think you should get a quote from Ideal Windows. They sell a very good window and their prices are often times very competitive. Maybe get this quote and then get back to me and let's see how it compares. Home Depot Windows Reviews

Dane - Website Editor - from 2022

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