Rosatti Windows Reviews

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Rosatti Windows Reviews And Prices

Explore Rosatti Windows reviews from consumers and industry experts alike on this Illinois based manufacturer.

Dane - Site Editor - Page Last Updated: March 27, 2024

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Rosatti Windows vs Zen

Hi Tim, I live in the Columbus, Ohio area and I am shopping for 8 double hung windows about 24” x 62” each. I received 2 quotes thus far and wasn’t able to get a call back from Zen Windows...just never returned my email. I received a quote for around $5,300 from Hegg Windows for the ProVia Endure Windows, full screen, double pane. And the 2nd quote is from Rosati Windows for about the same type window for around $5, 500.

First question is have you heard anything good or bad about Rosati and their product more specifically? Their installation and customer service seems to be rated high overall. Same with Hegg Windows. Do you think the quotes are a bit high? Do you think that Zen Windows uses a better product than the ProVia Endure? Wondering if I should try them again and see if they respond this time.

I just emailed you regarding the ProVia and Rosati quotes and was waiting for Zen to get back to me. They finally did right after I hit send on my first email to you. Figures.

So Zen in New Albany, Ohio came back with quote for $4,160 for their Nirvana line for 8 vinyl, double hung windows. And to recap Rosati was $5,500 and ProVia Endure $5,300.

Which is best quality? And...Zen location carries Soft lite, Alside and Joyce Windows. If they are rebranding how do I know for sure if I am getting Soft lite or inferior Alside? I mean if they are rebranding couldn’t they easily say it is Softlite rather than Alside? How would one know? Love the Rosatti Windows reviews on the site.

Olivia - Homeowner - from 2020

[Website Editor Reply]

Olivia, I have heard a little about Rosatti, but nothing approaching a very comprehensive opinion. They seem to get good reviews. As to the quality of their windows, I couldn't say. The ProVia Endure is an excellent window and that is a fair price on that quote.

The Zen quote on the Classic is excellent, but you don't know if you are buying the Soft-Lite or Alside. I believe with Soft-Lite, the Soft-Lite logo should be stamped on the lift handle. I don't recall how Alside marks their windows. I would call up the Zen rep and say you want to make sure you are getting Soft-Lite and to tell you exactly where the logo can be found on the window.

I would say the Zen quote (assuming Soft-Lite) is probably the better value, but if I was planning to stay in my home long term, I would probably strongly consider going with the ProVia Endure. It's quite a nice top tier window.

Tim - Site Editor - from 2020

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