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Sunrise Windows Complaints

Read Sunrise Window complaints from homeowners who have been dissatisfied with the company's installation, price bids, customer service, etc.

Company Information: Sunrise may not be a household name, but the company does make very good vinyl windows and doors. The company is headquartered in Michigan and they have distribution across much of the eastern half of the United States - i.e. they sell their products through local companies. As of 2021, Sunrise is owned by MITER brands, which also owns MI Windows & Doors. This helps Sunrise with their distribution reach, but does not seem to have negatively impacted the quality of their manufacturing.

MI Windows Reviews

Sunrise Window Cost: $$$
(3 out of 5)

Nature Of Consumer Complaints: We encourage site visitors to read the complaints posted below with a discerning eye if you will. Just because complaints are posted does not mean that the company offers poor installation and/or customer service. However, homeowner gripes are part of the business and they can clue consumers in on potential issues to be aware of when they get a bid from companies such as Sunrise.

Dane - Site Editor - Page Updated in January, 2024

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Sunrise Window Complaint

Dane, I would like to know how you can even recommend ANY of the Sunrise brand. They are total junk in my book.

I had the Sunrise Vanguard installed on September 3, 2022. Sunrise shipped cracked and damaged windows. I can tell you that one of the windows was shipped that way as had huge gash on the inner pane. Not to mention the poorly made screens that were manufactured that way. I could not even open the windows in summer time as I would have bugs coming in The screen were defective from Sunrise and should have never been shipped out to the customer that way.

I am still waiting for 3 replacement windows and 4 replacement windows screens from Sunrise.

Sunrise does NOT stand behind it products and does not care about their customers period.

My dealer that installed them blames Sunrise in not getting replacements.

Update 11/23/2022:

Yes, the idiots at Sunrise shipped replacement windows. The only problem is 2 of the windows are the wrong size. The third window the frame was cracked.  

 I have not inspected the screens yet as colder than ^^&^ here.

Who know when I will received the replacement windows this time.

As a customer I am stuck in the middle in dealing with this mess.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you for listening.

Greg - Homeowner - from 2022

[Website Editor Reply]

Greg, that really sucks that you are experiencing this. I will post your message. I look at brands year after year after year and do my best to provide the most comprehensive information to homeowners such as yourself. Sunrise windows complaints are fairly rare, but like any manufacturers, they do receive their share. Thank you for your experience -- it helps consumers down the line -- I hope you get the windows you ordered eventually!

Dane - Website Editor - from 2022

Sunrise Restorations Complaint

I hope you are getting this because I could really use a window professional's help. I made the mistake of purchasing Sunrise Restorations windows from the distributer here in the Columbus, Ohio area. I seem to have some install problems. This whole thing has went down rather badly. I am finding that the sashes(window) do not seem to fit tightly in the frames that hold them. I can see daylight around 17 or 18 out of 24 installed.

To start with this nightmare, the company I purchased them from hired some guy that had never worked for them before to do my job. He did not even finish the job. Over 3 1/2 months later I am still hoping to get this mess cleaned up. The window company first evidentially mis-measured the windows from what I can tell. All of my five dormer windows went in fine and then the next thing I know, the install guys are calling the owner of the window company out. I have five large window openings at that time wide open, and I start complaining and find out there is a little problem with the windows. They do not tell me they are mis-measured though. I was told that later on. The dormer windows got ordered correctly and the other 18 windows all had to have their solid cherry windows sills butchered so that the windows would fit. We are talking butchered-no straight lines, gouges cut-a mess. I was told by the installer the owner of the company told him to do whatever it took to make those windows work.

At his point I am currently being blamed for the windows being misaligned, that is why I see daylight. All I have done is open the windows, tilt them forward at an angle to clean. I am afraid to tilt them open and let them hang down to the floor because a few of them came off the holders and I could not get them back in. They are back on the tracks now because that happened during the original install and the installers fixed them. I was also told I was to blame for what happened to my window sills. I was supposed to have given them permission to cut them. I did not, I basically tried to get them not to touch them.

Right now I do not know what to do. I feel the windows were not properly installed and the window sashes certainly do not fit tightly. I feel cold around the sashes where they meet the frame they are set into, when I touch them. Are they supposed to feel like that? These people have been at my house and I have had to take all 24 windows' curtains down twice now. Will be doing it for a third time when the sills are replaced. It is an all day job getting them back up. They have damaged other things in my home also. Sunrise has not been any help with this matter. The install company(company I bought the windows from) sent out I guess the best guys they had to finish installing the last two windows. They were suppose to adjust all windows and now I see daylight or I should say the white part of the outside part of the window that holds the screens in these windows. It was worse after they finished with them(adjusting the windows). At this point I feel the company is not capable of fixing this mess. I just want my money back and out of this mess after they also pay for my window sills. I need to find another window company.

Also, people need to be warned not to purchase 1/2 round windows from Sunrise. They evidentially do not have plugs or ways to make the windows look decent when they are put in. No trim to go around inside of the window to cover its opening, or for the screws which are clearly visible. They used tan or whatever the hardware color is for plugs, very visible.

Anyway, what is the install reason for my sashes not fitting tightly? Were no shims used so the frames are stretched too far apart so that the opening is distorted do you think? I know a decent amount about rehabbing. I am not quiet as familiar with window installs though, but that is what I surmise. I could really use your advice as soon as possible, please.

Robin - Homeowner - from 2015

[Site Editor's Response]

Robin, it sounds like a complete nightmare. You are not supposed to see daylight when a window is installed, this sounds like what you said, they mismeasured and misordered windows and then they screwed up installing them.

Here are some suggestions, not quite sure how effective they will be, but they can't hurt at this point.

Have you called the national Sunrise Windows and told them of the situation? Ask them to send out someone to take a look. At the very least you should be able to snap some pictures on your phone and send them to Sunrise and ask for an honest opinion. They rely on their distributors so there might be some relief somewhere in that equation.

Pay a well respected local window installer for an hour of their time to come out and give you their opinion of how bad the installation and what remedies or fixes are available. This will cost some money, but perhaps not much and it could solve your problem.

If there is an installation issue, but the local company won't do anything about it, I would threaten to sue. Are you going to actually sue, probably not, but a strongly worded letter from a law firm might get them back out at your house where they are going to be motivated to solve the problem to your satisfaction.

At the very least I would file a complaint with the BBB.

Sorry you have to deal with this.

Tim - Site Editor - from 2015

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