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Single Pane Windows

Single pane windows are an older, more traditional style of window that lack the energy efficiency of modern double pane windows. Nearly half of all replacement windows today involve swapping out old aluminum framed single pane windows for vinyl double pane options. Nearly 90% of all replacement and new windows sold today are double pane windows.

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Single Pane Windows

A single pane window, by definition, has one pane of glass, instead of two. It is surrounded, enclosed and sealed by a frame that can be made from a variety of materials, including aluminum, vinyl, fiberglass, or wood. Even with a low E glass coating, single pane windows cannot match the energy efficiency of a double pane window. The reason is that the double pane insulated glass unit works in conjunction with the spacer system, the gas fill, and the second pane of glass to drastically reduce the amount of heat or cold transfer from one pain to the other.

Single Pane Storm Windows

About the only time that manufactures make single pane windows in today's market are for the purposes of a storm window. Storm windows are placed either on the inside or the outside of an existing window and work in coordination to essentially create a double pane window unit. They are a much cheaper, and less permanent, solution to a full replacement window unit. A single pane storm window will typically run $75 - $215 per opening fully installed - more on storm windows cost.

Single Pane Window Manufacturers

Below is a list of some of the more popular and reputable single pane window manufacturers.

Indow Windows Reviews
Larsen Storms
ProVia Vinyl Storm Window

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