Eagle Windows Reviews

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Eagle Windows Reviews And Prices

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Eagle Windows Reviews

We built in 1998 and used Eagle double pane low-E double hung and stationary throughout the house. The sealant on the east and south facing units started drooping after 10 years.It is very thick but we have not noticed any moisture intrusion to date. The problem is aesthetics. Can you make recommendations and advise us of Eagle's contact information? Thank you.

Andy - Homeowner - from 2019

[Site Editor's Answer]

Andy, Eagle is owned by Andersen Corporation. I would call up your local home depot and ask them if they have the contact information for the local Andersen window rep. If they ask why, I would answer that I was hoping to get a quote -- you might have to be a little cagey. Or see if you can find an Andersen rep online who services your area. I'm not quite sure about the warranty after this long, but it can't hurt to ask.

If you don't get any relief from them, you might call up a local window repair person and ask for an opinion from them. They might have a low cost (or lower cost) solution that could correct the aesthetic issue.

Good luck!

Tim - Site Editor - from 2019

Eagle Windows Reviews

We still have the original 1977 windows in our home. I was looking at Marvins or Eagle. We need replacements badly and we also want to turn one door into a window and turn a different window into french doors. I've heard that fiberglass or composite is better than vinyl, is that true? Marvin Windows Cost

Cathy - Homeowner in Texas - from 2012

[Contractor Response]

Marvin Windows and Eagle are both good lines, they both are good quality and have pretty strong customer support. They are pretty comparable, so I'd look at what features they have. See what is standard and what you have to pay extra for. Whichever way you go should be just fine.

Jim - Contractor in Texas - from 2012

Eagle vs Andersen

I have a ranch in Pennsylvania that needs new windows. I want a black exterior, which kind of limits our options. I'm looking mainly at Andersens A Series and Eagles. We have 9 windows, 1 is a casement and the rest are double hungs. We want interior grills, low-e glass, and our quotes are for the product without installation. I have a buddy who is going to put them in. The Eagles are about $1k less. We really wanted Marvins, but to get the black we'd have to go with Ultimates and they are out of our budget. I don't know which to get, Andersen or Eagle?

Darren - Homeowner - from 2012

[Contractor Response]

I'm not a big Eagle fan, I used to sell a lot of them and always hated it. The Andersen 400 series is awesome, one of their best products ever, but their newer stuff isn't anything special. I honestly would keep looking if those were my only two choices.

Mark - Contractor - from 2012

Eagle vs Kolbe

I can't believe people are comparing Hurd to Marvin, Eagle, and Kolbe. The Hurds don't even compare. Other brands have much better designs and materials that will last a lot longer and give you fewer problems. Hurd is a lower quality window - nothing wrong if that's what you want, but lower quality. Kolbe Windows Reviews

Wayne - Contractor - from 2012

Aluminum Windows

The Eagles are great when you have a strong color preference. They have an extruded aluminum exterior, 50 basic colors plus other in the anodized and custom lines. They also have a lot of different finishes and different wood options, custom grids, and tons of other options. When you have specific requests like that Eagle is the way to go.

Todd - Contractor - from 2011

Eagle vs Pella

We have bids from several manufacturers that includes Pella windows, Eagle and Sierra Pacific, although the Pella Architect is just too expensive so that's basically off the list. Eagle gets pretty good reviews and Sierra Pacific gets so-so reviews. The Eagle bid is a good 9K more, which is pushing out budget right now.

Jamie - Homeowner- from 2010

[Contractor Response]

I don't know enough about Sierra Pacific to give an opinion, but I like Eagle windows. They are owned by Andersen but they more or less run as an independent company. The website lists their windows as the E series from Andersen and they are an aluminum clad wood window that are really pretty nice looking. I would spring for the 9K if you can do it and go with a brand that you feel comfortable with over one that leaves a question mark in your mind. Most of my customers are glad they went with a top rated window brand once the project is over, even if it stretches their budget thin in the short run.

Holland- Contractor - from 2010

Contractor Opinion

Eagle is a good quality, upper range window. They were bought by Andersen not long ago and they are still trying to figure out their new distribution plans, but they are well made and Andersen is reliable, they will keep the quality high.

Ian - Contractor - from 2010

Eagle Windows Reviews

I have a bunch of casements to replace, and I'm considering Marvin Ultimates, Pella Architects, and Eagle Axioms. They are all extruded aluminum clad. I've heard good things about Eagle, and I'm thinking about going with a triple pane instead of double.

Levi - Homeowner - from 2010

[Contractor Response]

Out of those three, the Marvin Ultimate is the best. The Eagle is good, too, just not quite as nice. I would stay away from the Pella, the sash is lower quality.

Anthony - Contractor - from 2010

How They Compare To Other Brands

Lincoln has a clad double hung with a 0.01 AI, but it isn't as good as the R-4. The Eagle is good, but I don't really like their double hung sill. The Peachtree 700 series isn't as good as the Eagle. I would look at a Marvin, they are in a whole separate class. You'll pay more, but they are worth a premium price. Peachtree Windows Reviews

Scott - Contractor - from 2011

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