Sierra Pacific Windows Reviews

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Sierra Pacific Windows Reviews And Prices

Sierra Pacific Windows Reviews

Sierra Pacific is a family owned and operated window and door business headquartered in Red Bluff, California. The company has been in business for one hundred plus years. While mostly known for their wood clad windows and doors, the company now also offers aluminum clad and vinyl windows. SP acquired the assets of Hurd windows sometime back and integrated their manufacturing lines to their fleet of windows and doors. Scroll down to read all of our Sierra Pacific windows reviews.

Overall Rating: Sierra Pacific Windows gets a 4.0 out of 5 stars based on 18 consumer reviews below.

My Take On This Company: Not a bad brand, but I do think there are better wood-clad window options out there.
(Always Get 3 to 4 Local Price Quotes)

Dane - Site Editor - Original Publish Date -
Page Last Updated On November 7, 2024

Sierra Pacific Windows Cost: $$$/$$$$
(3/4 out of 5)
(Amongst All Window Brands)

Sierra Pacific Windows And Doors

Sierra Pacific sells the following window series: the 8500 vinyl replacement window, 8000 vinyl new construction window, H3 Fusion Tech, All Wood and Aluminum Clad series. While their wood clad windows are good quality, their entrance into the vinyl window market is too early to really make a solid judgement on their vinyl windows. Hurd windows had a solid reputation for quality products. While I wouldn't necessarily put SP in there top tier of window manufacturers, I would say they are a very solid manufacturer.

Locations: While mostly known for their distribution in the Northwest, where they obviously got their start, SP now sells throughout the United States through local reps and dealers. The company has over 600 dealers and distributors and company stores across the country, as well as three manufacturing plants.

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Vinyl 8000 Series

All Wood Series

Aluminum Clad Series

H3 Fusion Tech Series

Sierra Pacific Windows Cost

Homeowner Questions And Answers

Check out our homeowner Sierra Pacific Windows reviews section - comments, window complaints, bid prices, advice, reviews - it's all in there. We'd love to hear from you if you've had an experience, good or bad, with SPWC.

Dane - Site Editor

Sierra Pacific Vinyl Windows Reviews

The 8000 series is the company's vinyl window. I think I'd stick with their other series over SPWs vinyl option. I think there are companies who do a better job with this material.

Dane - Site Editor

Window Kit

Got your email address from the Serria Pacific web site. Have 6 windows that will have inserts placed. Thank you. I printed off a Fed form: 5695 Residential Energy Credits. Low E-366 w/argon Serria Pacific window kit. Is it Energy Star rated for tax credits?

Jo - Homeowner - from 2024

[Site Editor's Answer]

Jo, I don’t know the specifics on whether that qualifies for tax credits. The ratings are specific for the region of the country that you live in. My notion is that they will NOT qualify — wood windows are often some of the less efficient windows with the exception of aluminum.

I sometimes feel like a broken record, but for my money, the best option out there is a top tier vinyl window with a wood veneer interior. They look very good at this point, almost indistinguishable from real wood with a stain on it. I have a list that I’m happy to send you if you would like.

Dane - Site Editor - from 2024

Sierra Pacific Vinyl 8000 Windows

Love to get your take on these - and thank you for all of the great sierra pacific windows reviews you've shared with the world. Please let me know if you need any more information. I'd be happy to hop on the phone with you to discuss if easier for you than typing out a response. Thank you so much!!!

1 - Sierra Pacific Vinyl 8000 Series windows - approximately $14,000 installed. It's essentially 5 rectangular picture windows across the front of the house (so they won't move) and then a handful of operable windows in the kitchen and bedrooms / bathrooms. Ordered and installed by a local contractor who we've heard great things about - Grogan Building Supply Co (Houston).

2 - Combination of Windsor Next Dimension Classic series and Anlin (not sure what model of Anlin but they are all vinyl) approximately $18,600 installed. The Windsors are more expensive and will go on the front of the house where we have the 5 rectangular picture windows, and the Anlin will go on the sides in the kitchen and bedrooms / bathrooms. Ordered and installed by a local company called Houston Window Experts.

I understand the quotes to have the same glass and tint, approximately the same level of attention to detail / expertise on the install, and the colors are essentially the same - so what I really want to know is whether the Windsor and Anlin windows are really that far superior so as to justify the $4,600 more in cost.

Sheila - Homeowner - from 2024

[Site Editor's Answer]

Hmmm, that's a tricky one. I don't hear a ton about Sierra Pacific vinyl windows. I do like the Windsor Next Dimension and Anlin windows better. Honestly though, I think the higher price tag is for the company, Houston Window Experts - which gets excellent reviews and has tons of business which allows them to charge higher prices.

What about one more bid -- from Zen on their Nirvana series or NT on their Presidential series (both available in Houston). I feel like that would give you/me some additional context and might even result in a cheaper bid from a well reviewed company...I just find two bids often to be a smaller data set than what is needed to understand the best value in a particular situation...

But if you are making me choose, I would go with the higher priced alternative if you plan to stay in your home long term --

Dane - Site Editor - from 2024

Sierra Pacific vs Andersen Windows

I have looked at so many windows companies I need help. Essentially, I am trying to replace all of my 16 windows in my 30 year old house. Additionally, I would appreciate any input you could give me in making this decision. Here is the list I have, which more than likely is why I'm lost.

Home Depot Anderson 100: $17,700
HD Simonton 6100: $13,270
HD Simonton 6500 $16,340
Lowes Reliabilt 3900 $10,810
Lowes Pella 250 $14,010
Window World 4000 series $10,800
Acadian Windows - Acadian compass $8790
Allstate windows - MI 1650 $9840
American made window Simonson Asure window $8630
Southeastern Door & Window Anderson 100 Series $13140
PGT EnergyVue $11,210 (PGT Impact Windows Price List)
WD&M Sierra Pacific 8500 $10,040

Chris - Homeowner - from 2023

[Site Editor's Answer]

Hi Chris, so for me the option that sticks out in terms of quality/price is the PGT EnergyVue series for $11.K. That would be my first choice — assuming the installation company gets good reviews. I looked up Southeastern Door & Window, but I wasn’t totally sure I was looking at the right location — they were out of Biloxi Mississippi and I believe you are in Florida — but maybe the panhandle so this might be right. Their google reviews were quite solid from what I could tell.

I think number two would be the Sierra Pacific 8500 series. I don’t know a ton about this window or WD&M, but I believe Sierra Pacific makes a good unit and the price is very competitive. These would be my two picks from the list you have going! I would highly advice you to check out our Sierra Pacific windows reviews page to get more consumer takes on the company.

Dane - Site Editor - from 2023

Sierra Pacific vs Apex

Dane, your reviews and information is over-the-top awesome. Thank you. I have an Apex salesman coming today to pitch his product. He stopped by yesterday and I have to say his initial presentation was excellent. The local reviews on Google etc are very good. I have a 4k sq ft house with about 35 windows. We are looking for very high quality storm and energy efficient replacement windows as we are in the hot and hurricane potential area of Tampa Bay Florida, just a few blocks to the Gulf of Mexico.

I had someone else come out a few months ago that showed me the SP product at about $1250 installed per window, but there was no follow up and I suspect with current costs and labor issues, they wouldn’t deliver on a timely install.

Apex on the other hand, just in the sales guys initial guess, would do the job in 3 days. Supposedly we also have an unique issue with the existing windows that they will have to be cut out of their existing metal frames. The said something about metal straps or framing that had to be cut through?

I was told this by the Sierra guy, it seems like it was a big deal and required special saws. I mentioned this to the Apex guy and he said they are master installers and have all the necessary equipment for this endeavor. Sorry for the scattered email and thoughts but do you have any suggestions? Last question, the Apex person gave me a folder to look at, one piece is their Coastal Series, have you heard of Pearl Bay Coastal Collection? Thanks for your amazing work. Apex Energy Solutions Reviews

Jim - Homeowner - from 2021

[Site Editor's Answer]

Jim, if the Apex outfit has very good reviews than you are halfway there already. Pearl Bay is one of the Simonton impact windows, and to the best of my knowledge, is considered a good impact window. I don’t know enough about this particular window and door series to give it an endorsement myself, but they are solid from the little I know.

Replacement windows or inserts are installed in the holes where the previous windows are cut out. There is a nailing flange on new construction that remains unless you take everything out, but this is only done if there is water damage to your existing frames. It sounds like you are good to go.

Just in case, you want one more bid, my top picks [listed redacted]

Let me know how the job turns out as I’m always looking for a gauge on how to judge Apex. I still haven’t quite wrapped my head around them yet :)

Dane - Site Editor - from 2021

Sierra Pacific 8500 Double-hungs

Hello Dane and Tim! I found your site while doing research and I love it! what a great resource and wealth of information.

Pella Encompass or 250 Vinyl

Ideal Windows - Ultra Tite Window

Sierra 8500 double-hung

We are first-time window buyers and there is so much to know and learn, and such a wide difference in pricing. We have met with four window companies, three of them are listed here, the other one was Renewal by Anderson. I think I've narrowed it down to these three, Pella of course has good reviews, Sierra Pacific has good reviews, and Ideal has been around for almost 100 years so I take that as they must be doing something right. Would love any advice or feedback on any of the three windows that we are looking at, thank you!

Thanks so much,

Rico - Homeowner - from 2020

[Website Editor Reply]

Rico, I have a pretty strong opinion on this one. The Ideal Ultra-site is the best of these windows. The overall build, fit, and tolerance of this window is much better than the Sierra or Pella. The Sierra Pacific 8500 series is going to be right behind the Ideal in terms of energy efficiency. The Pella 250 is going to be pretty far behind. Pella's vinyl windows have gotten much better, but they are still more of a wood clad manufacturer than a vinyl window maker.

Tim - Website Editor - from 2020

Sierra Pacific Vinyl

Hi Dane, first off, I love the website. It's a great source for a vast amount of knowledge.

I'm somewhat familiar with Sierra Pacific as a whole, but I'm looking for knowledge and/or opinions on their vinyl windows. Maybe they've recently started producing them? I can't seem to find any information or opinions. Do you know anything you can share?

Bryan - Homeowner - from 2020

[Website Editor Reply]

Bryan, I wish I knew more about SP. I looked on their website on the vinyl section, professionals section, under structural data. Decent enough air infiltration numbers, at least on the casement and awnings.

The windows and components look decent enough as well. But this isn't enough information for me to give you a real answer. I know SP took over Hurd, but I can't remember if that included vinyl windows or not.

If I were you, I would proceed with caution. See if they will provide you with structural data on the specific vinyl window you are buying. This would go a long ways to knowing whether this is a quality vinyl window or not. I'd love to see the data if you get your hands on it.

Tim - Website Editor - from 2020

SP Vinyl Patio Doors

Hi Tim, since you answered my question in July the company we paid to install 2 Soft-lite Elements doors came yesterday and installed 2 Sierra Pacific sliding doors. The company claims that Softlite machinery was unable to accommodate the smallish size that we required.

Not sure I believe that but will call Softlite to inquire. We were never told that that the product would be switched. So what I am asking you is if you have any info about Sierra Pacific vinyl patio doors and how it would compare to the Softlite in cost and quality. Thank you.

Molly - Homeowner - from 2020

[Website Editor Reply]

Molly, that is ridiculous, who shows up for an install and presents a completely different product? SP vinyl patio doors are not going to be as good as Softlite Elements doors. Sierra Pacific is primarily a wood clad window and door company that has more recently gotten into the vinyl window and door business. I haven't seen the exact specs, but I would be shocked if the Sierra Pacific could compete with the Soft-Lite Elements.

If they are charging you the same amount as the Soft-Lite, I would be angry. I would either threaten to write up a poor review on yelp (assuming they are on) or I might even do it afterwards. This is a tricky situation, but I can't believe they would show up with something completely different and just expect you to accept it.

Tim - Website Editor - from 2020

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Sierra Pacific Windows Reviews :: All Wood

The All Wood options from SPWs is a good low cost alternative to some of the more expensive brands on the market such as Andersen and Marvin.

Dane - Site Editor

Wood Windows Bids

Hi Dane, I’ve been checking out your Sierra Pacific windows reviews and I wondered if you could give me an opinion. We have a bid from them on their all wood window. I’m not exactly sure what series but it’s about $300 less than the Anderson 400 series wood clad. Which is the better option here?

Cynthia - Homeowner - from 2024

[Site Editor's Answer]

Cynthia, the better window is the Anderson 400 series. However, I’m not sure that would say it’s $300 per window better. I think for me I would need to know your timeline in the home and how committed you are to go in with wood windows. Additionally, I feel like with what they’ve been doing with vinyl window laminates that they look almost as good as real wood on the interior especially because most people staying or varnish the interior of the wood to protect it.

I think my over under on the sierra Pacific versus Anderson would be 15 years. So, if you plan to be in your home more than 15 years, then I think that the Anderson 400 series probably makes sense. If it’s under 15 years and you’re committed to going with a wood window, then I would probably just go with the seer, Pacific. They make a good product but I think Anderson makes superior one.

Dane - Site Editor - from 2024

Sierra Pacific All Wood Bid

We have 30 window openings and are definitely doing wood-clad or straight wood windows. I am a bit shocked to see how darn expensive they are. What I listed below is PER WINDOW. Yikes.

Sierra Pacific (their all wood series) $2.2K
Renewal By Andersen (their fibrex series) $2.3K
Marvin (their Elevate series) $2.5K
Andersen (their customizable 400 series) $2.7K

Renewal By Andersen Reviews

Betty - Homeowner - from 2023

Site Editor's Reply

Betty, those are big prices. All good options though in terms of wood clad windows. For the price, my pick might be the Marvin Elevate. If this isn't your forever home, I might also consider the SPWs all wood series.

Dane - Site Editor - from 2023

Sierra Pacific vs Pella

Dane, we recently bought a lake house and it sort of demands wood clad windows. We're getting these in double hungs and was curious on your opinion on these brands. Pella Wood Clad Designer (Pella Wood Windows Cost), Sierra Pacific H3, Weather Shield, and then the Windsor Pinnacle.

Stan - Homeowner - from 2023

[Site Editor's Answer]

Stan, I would rank them like this, from best to least best. Pella, Windsor, WeatherShield, then Sierra Pacific.
Windsor Windows Reviews

Dane - Site Editor - from 2023

Warranty Question

Does your company honor warranty claims for Hurd windows, or do you know who would?

Jeff - Homeowner - from 2022

[Website Editor Reply]

Jeff, if anyone is going to honor the warranty it would be Sierra Pacific, who bought the assets in 2014. The odds are probably pretty low that they will warranty the windows, but it is always worth a shot. In case it does not work, this is my recommendation. I would find a good window repair person in your area by googling "window repairman in [your city, state]" and seeing if any credible companies comes up. You can also use an app like yelp to find a top rated window repair person. Make sure to check their online reviews before going with them.

I would call them up and see if they offer free bids on repair or glass jobs. The free bid thing is kind of amazing if they do offer it because you can glean a lot of information from that visit about your options going forward.

For instance, they should able to tell you if they can fix your window, whether you can get away with just replacing the window pane(s), or whether you need to replace the entire window. This is where I would start. If it turns out that you do need to replace your windows, I am happy to offer some recommendations of quality window brands/series in your area. Love your Sierra Pacific windows reviews and appreciate the effort.

Dane - Website Editor - from 2022

Replacement Windows In The Bay Area

We just put in SP in our home - 25 windows and 2 doors that replaced Andersen 200 series windows and doors. One of the biggest reasons was our contractor who has worked with their products in the past and liked most of what he saw. This general sentiment was also held by the architect who liked everything except the SP door handles. They had a showroom in the Bay Area that I visited and went over the specs with one of the support team.

She was quite helpful and indicated that the majority of issues they have with customers is minor things like weatherstripping, the handles etc. Of course, she works for the company so it was unclear how much of what she said was lip service. One thing I did like was they had a lot of exterior color options, even though in our case we had an off white outside frame so it didn't affect us.

We've now had the windows in our home for several months and I'll say this - I don't like the handles as much as the Andersen's, they're less smooth and a bit flimsier. The casements they installed were good looking and the crank is nice and smooth, but these also felt a bit flimsy in their design. The corner welds seem good, although there are a couple that probably could have been done cleaner. Overall, the Sierra Pacific windows seems to be well built, but time will tell whether they hold up or not.

Danny - Homeowner - from 2020

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Sierra Pacific Aluminum Clad Reviews

The aluminum clad series uses an aluminum cladding on the exterior of the window and an interior real wood. A much better option in my opinion over the all wood options in terms of buying a long lasting window.

Dane - Site Editor

Sierra Pacific Windows Reviews

Dane, I need some advice before I reach out via your site to get quotes. We live in Atlanta and have been considering replacements for a while and keep getting stuck on a few points, I hope you can set us straight. Also, we have 34 double hung and 4 picture to replace and were leaning towards Sierra Pacific aluminum clad windows. Finally, we got a quote around $30k were going to move forward.

We were reluctant to do vinyl as some people believe they look cheap and they have thick frames with dividers inside the window. Then, we saw the Sunrise and how low profile they are, and decided to reconsider. Additionally, we got a few quotes on Sunrise but they didnt seem to get what we were asking for.. Is there another vinyl window which has a low profile window comparable to Sunrise with a toned down white color? Sunrise Windows Reviews

We looked at Okna, loved the price, but the frame is very thick and the edges have seams. Or is there a paintable one where we could choose which white we would like? I don't like the idea of painting as it adds extra cost, but if its what we want, we would only spend the money once. I am attaching the quotes we received for your reference and I appreciate your insights on price. FYI, all the quotes have different quantities of windows as we were changing our minds on how many we were going to replace at one time. Thank you for your help. Vinyl vs Wood Windows

Joe - Homeowner - from 2021

SPW vs Andersen

We're replacing 30 windows that are mainly double hungs with some horizontal sliding and awnings thrown in there as well. So far, we have bids from Andersen on their 400 Woodwright series with upgraded glass and screens fro $20K. Sierra Pacific came in and their bid was about 7K less for an aluminum clad window with a triple low-e glass and screens. They seem to be more on the west coast so I don't feel like they do as much business here in Montana. Weathershield was $16K, but there were a few design features that turned me off so I'm going to pass on them.

Leslie - Homeowner - from 2020

[Contractor Response]

Montana winters are pretty serious business and you obviously don't want to have any window failures. To be honest, I know very little about SP, but I would find out whether their aluminum is extruded or roll form and also how it is applied. The roll form is not a good design choice in my opinion because it is can trap water between the wood and aluminum if the water can seep in.

The better manufacturers of aluminum windows use an extruded method. The Andersen 400 series is a high quality window and the Woodwright is the better option over the Tilt turn. I'm not a huge fan of the Weathershield windows, so if it were me I would take that one off the list. Andersen Window Reviews

Hal - Contractor - from 2019

[2nd Contractor Response]

SP does use an extruded aluminum on the frame and sash and I believe the wood they offer is either Douglas Fir or a Ponderosa Pine. Ask the person who came out whether they will send you a sample window so you can see the wood species and aluminum in person if you haven't had a chance yet. I like SP windows and I also like the Andersen, which is obviously more expensive. I'm not familiar with the Weathershield so I can't comment. I would choose between the first two options.

Brad - Installer - from 2018

[3rd Contractor Response]

Of the three you mention, I like the Andersen 400 window the best. They make a very good window at a top end price, but you get the backing of a very strong company. Sierra Pacific is a mid range manufacturer with mid range products. I personally dislike Weathershield.

John - Contractor - from 2017

Sierra Pacific vs Pella

We have bids from several manufacturers that includes Pella, Eagle and SP, although the Pella Architect is just too expensive so that's basically off the list. Eagle gets pretty good reviews and SP gets so-so reviews. The Eagle bid is a good 9K more, which is pushing out budget right now. Eagle Windows Reviews

Jamie - Homeowner- from 2015

[Contractor Response]

I don't know enough about SP to give an opinion, but I like Eagle. They are owned by Andersen but they more or less run as an independent company. The website lists their windows as the E series from Andersen and they are an aluminum clad wood window that are really pretty nice looking.

I would spring for the 9K if you can do it and go with a brand that you feel comfortable with over one that leaves a question mark in your mind. Most of my customers are glad they went with a higher end window brand once the project is over, even if it stretches their budget thin in the short run.

Holland- Contractor - from 2013

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Sierra Pacific H3 Fusion Tech

The H3 is a decent lower cost alternative to more expensive brands in this frame category such as Renewal By Andersen and Okna. Currently, we have no Sierra Pacific windows reviews on the H3 Fusion Tech. If you have one, let us know!

Dane - Site Editor

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