Labor Cost To Install Windows

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Labor Cost To Install Windows

Interested in finding out more on labor cost to install windows? Let’s break it down and get to it. I’ll cut to the chase and list the labor cost to install windows in 2024 as a range from $75 to $500 per window. Now, this is a huge range so let’s break this down into a few different buckets. (Please note: there will be some overlap here so keep that in mind.)

Dane - Site Editor - Page Last Updated: April 15, 2024

Handyman $75 to $200 each
Insert/Pocket/Retrofit $100 to $250 each
Full Frame $250 to $500 each
Historic Home $300 to $500 each

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Handyman Installation Costs

The least expensive window installation cost is using a local handyman - someone who knows how to install a window, but doesn’t necessarily make their living doing this. The advantage here is typically the cost, which I put at $75 to $200 per window. What you pay within this range will depend on labor rates in your area and on the type of installation required (whether it’s retrofit or full frame - click for a full discussion and breakdown on these window installation types.)

The disadvantages with the handyman approach are that they might not be as adept with the process as is someone who installs windows 5 days a week. Also, most professional installers work with the same window brands, so they know all the little tricks and tips with the particular window. One final detractor here: most window companies won’t sell directly to the public (they use an “exclusive” dealer network to sell), which means you are probably buying a window from one of the big box stores (which tend to sell some of the worst window brands out there). These tend to be of less quality, although I do think there are some decent to solid options out there.

Bottom Line: If you find a responsible and diligent local “handyman” to install your windows, there is some nice value and savings here. There are some risks in using this method, including lack of access to most of the nicer brands and series.

Related Content: Guide To Hiring Installers

Retrofit Cost To Install Windows

The next level up on the window installation cost range is for a retrofit install (also sometimes called “insert” or sometimes “pocket” or sometimes simply as “replacement”) Whatever you want to call it, this is from a professional installer who works for a local window company (either a direct to consumer company like Renewal By Andersen or a local window dealer) This is the simpler of the two methods and should run anywhere from $100 to $250 per window for the install itself.

At that upper end price range there should be some additional work involved to the frames, sills, or walls. So not simply cutting out the window and replacing it with the new unit. Some additional work that would justify that per window install price point. If you do get a bid from a local company that seems high, ask for them to breakdown the cost into the windows themselves and the labor cost.

Bottom Line: This is the simplest and cheapest way to replace your windows and is very popular. You will lose some glass area in the process, which is the one real drawback.

Related Content: Average Cost of Replacement Windows

Full Frame Window Installation Cost

Full Frame Installation Cost

The most expensive window installation cost is a full frame install (also sometimes referred to as new construction installation). This method should run anywhere from $200 to $500 per window. This is a huge price range - especially when you’re replacing 30 windows or more! The reason for this big range is because there could be any number of problems that the installers have to address.

Most of the time, they are tearing out the old window and pulling everything else until they get to the raw wood opening. Then they have to replace any woot rot, and any other problems that exist. This can really add up, but it will save you money in the long run as damage left for another decade or two can have really bad outcome. More on window installation basics and options.

Bottom Line: This is the more expensive option (by quite a bit), but you will hopefully have shored up any wood damage to the frames and sills, as well as maximizing the glass area within the frame.

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If you have damage to your sills and frames, collect as many bids as you need to properly understand which method is best.

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Homeowner Pricing Q And A

Below you will find consumer and homeowners' quotes on the labor cost on installing windows for both replacement windows and new construction jobs as well.

Dane - Site Editor

Window Installation Cost | 2024

Price For Triple Window Install

Hi Dane I was just quoted roughly $4,700 before tax for two large replacements…

Apex Window Replacement Costs for 2 Insignia Series Double Hung Double Strength Low E Argon Filled
Triple Window 70.5” x 70.5” $1850
Triple Window 71.5” x 58” $1800
Install $1100 ($550 each)

Location is Midwest St Louis, Mo area. I welcome your opinion on costs and quality from a reputable company.

Sean - Homeowner - from 2024

[Site Editor's Answer]

Sean, those prices sound about right. I like the window as well. I would feel comfortable with that option, although I would also advise you to collect two more bids just to see how other local companies would price it out.

Dane - Site Editor - from 2024

Independent Contractor Installation Costs

Recently got a quote on the Provia Endure EN600 Triple Pane, but on the Windows only - $7,900. The had an Independent Contractor Quote for the install, which was $200/window or $2,800 total. This is on 14 insert windows.

David - Homeowner - from 2024

Gentek Window Bid

We recently got a bid from Window Universe on the Gentek Signature Elite series.
18 double Hung - $11.2K
Installation - $5.3K
Total Cost - $16.5K

Eric - Homeowner - from 2024

[Site Editor's Answer]

Not bad at all, Eric. I'd collect a few more bids and then let's circle back and look at everything and take it from there!

Dane - Site Editor - from 2024

Connect with Local Window Companies

Labor Cost To Install Windows | 2023

Austin Window Installation Cost

I have 31 windows to replace. I recently got a bid from Vistamark on their Endura series. (Vistamark Windows Reviews)

Windows: $32,843
Installation: $8750
Total: $41,593

Melissa - Homeowner - from 2023

Window Installation Costs

I have a bunch of quotes that I'd love a bit of advice on. We are replacing 2 horizontal sliders and 11 double hungs windows, plus a sliding door. All of these come with double strength glass and four of the 13 require tempered glass.

Sunrise Restoration Windows: $1200 + $2600 for the install for the 13 openings. 6 by 8 patio door. $2600 for the door itself and $450 for the installation.

Gentek Signature Elite: $9000 + $2600 for the install for the 13 openings. 6 by 8 patio door. $2250 for the door itself and $450 for the installation.

Does this seem like a fair quote?

Barry - Homeowner - from 2023

[Site Editor's Answer]

Barry, it certainly isn't inexpensive, but it doesn't seem beyond the pale either. I'd certainly continue to collect a couple more bids for the sake of comparison. Two good choices though -- the Sunrise Restorations is the better of the two by a fair distance.

Dane - Site Editor - from 2023

Provia Endure Installation Costs

I am getting new construction windows on the Provia Aspect for $950 or the Endure for $1,000 dollars each. The I have a very good contractor who does great work so I feel confident in that regard. This does not include the installation costs, which he said were going to be around $300 each. ProVia Aspect Windows Pricing

John - Homeowner - from 2023

[Site Editor's Answer]

Your contractor sounds very knowledgeable — I agree with him on the ProVia doors and the Endure series over the Aspect (sometimes I’ll hear a $150 difference between these models so the $50 is a bargain). Pricing looks fair for the contractor as far as I’m concerned. If you are going to go with ProVia doors I would probably stick to the ProVia windows myself. It sounds like you are in good hands and I don’t think you can go wrong with either choice here.

Dane - Site Editor - from 2023

Labor Cost To Install Windows

I am a resident of the Bay Area (zip code 94582) and looking for window replacements. Our house is 40 years old. Your YouTube videos have been very helpful. Thank you so much.

I got a quote from a local vendor and wonder if this is reasonable. In one of your videos that you compared the window replacements, you mentioned Simonton as an entry level. Then my quote seems expensive. Can you review and give me your advice? Thank you so much.

By the way, the labor cost is after getting 50% discount.

21 windows for $19566

Minyoung - Homeowner - from 2023

[Site Editor's Answer]

Minyoung, Simonton manufactures a ton of window series so it really depends on which series you are looking at. In general, Simonton makes a solid mid range window so I apologize if my video sounded like they are low end. If this were my bid, I would keep it and continue to collect three additional bids for comparison sake. Simonton Windows Cost

Happy to send you my recommendations.

Dane - Site Editor - from 2023

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