Triple Pane Windows Cost | Are They Worth The Upgrade Price

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Triple Pane Windows Cost

Triple Pane Windows Cost

Let's explore what triple pane windows cost and figure out if they are worth the price of the upgrade. I'm gonna try and break down the costs involved and when and where it makes sense to make the jump from double to triple pane.

At the outset, let me say I'm kind of a stickler when it comes to market price points in general, especially with what's happened in the replacement window industry over the past few years. (Prices have REALLY jumped!) I have friends in the business who explain to me in great detail why they charge what they charge -- typically I'm listening with a raised eyebrow or two. (But I try my best not to it come off as snarky, which it isn't...completely.)

Dane - Website Editor - Updated In January, 2024

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Triple Pane Windows Cost

$100 - $300 each

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Is Triple Pane Glass Worth It

Basics Of TPWs

Benefits of Triple Pane Windows


Best Rated TPWs

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Is Triple Pane Glass Worth It

The Short answer depends on the price and it depends on where you live. First, let's talk price. Triple pane windows cost will run anywhere from $100 to $300 per window -- this is what they cost over (or more than) double pane windows cost. And while this lower end price increase is justified in my opinion ($100 to $150), I'm not convinced about the upper end price increase ($200 to $300).

As a real world comparison, in 2019, the cost to upgrade from the double pane Okna 800 DX to the TriplePane Okna 1800 (identical windows except for the glass) was $150. Today, that same upgrade costs roughly $200. That's a 32% price increase in four years -- yikes!

Of course, the $200 isn't what every Okna dealer will charge. Still, I consider this a reasonable charge for what is one of the best replacement windows on the market

Bottom Line: Triple pane windows cost below say $175 is fair in my opinion. Anything north of $225 is too much in my opinion. Additionally, I like TPWs in very cold climates, I think they make a lot of senes if you can afford the upgrade cost. Beyond this, I think a well made DPW is perfectly adequate.

Renewal By Andersen $300
Marvin Elevate Collection $275
Pella 350 Series $250
Okna Starmark Evo $200
ProVia Endure $175
Alliance Hawthorne $100

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Basics Of TPWss

TPWs are pretty straightforward - instead of single or double pane glass unit, these use three panes. There are two basic designs in play. The first uses a normal-depth IGU (which stands for insulated glass unit) and simply slides in another sheet of glass between the outer and inner pane. A krypton gas fill would be used inside each of the two pockets and a low-e glass coating would be used on each of the three panes of glass. This is the less expensive option, but one that is slimmer in its depth.

The second design uses a thicker IGU. So here, imagine a normal sized double pane IGU, and then add another whole section, making it a relatively bulky IGU. In this case, most manufacturers opt for argon fills between the panes. This is the more expensive option, but one that is thicker in depth.

Casement Window

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Benefits of TPWs

TPWs offer a number of nice benefits. The first is better thermal performance (lower air infiltration rates), which is another way of saying a more energy efficient window. This in turn translates to both lower energy bills and a more comfortable home (especially in hot summers and cold winters).

The other real benefit is more effective noise reduction, especially with the bulkier IGU design. The majority of window noise attenuation happens in the space between panes of glass. With 3x glass, there are two of these spaces where sound frequencies can be deadened, and therefore the less noise enters through the window glass.

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Disadvantages Of TPWs

Certainly cost has to play a factor here. Adding $100 to each window is a major expense. The other consideration is the extra weight of the third sheet of glass. This can put an additional strain on the hardware and cause it to wear out more quickly. This is especially true with doors and casements. The other point to make is that TPWs inlcude an extra spacer, gas fill, seals and glazing - effectively multiplying the number of parts that can fail on a window down the road.

Best Rated Triple Pane Windows

These are my picks for the best rated triple pane windows. These also happen be many of my favorite windows in general DP or TP. I've listed them below in alphabetical order by the way. Shoot me an email if you are so inclined and I will send you in order of the best to least best.

Anlin Del Mar

Kensington Quantum II

Ideal Majestic Series

Okna 800 Series

Polaris UltraWeld Series

ProVia Endure Series

Sunrise Restorations Series

Soft-Lite Imperial LS Series

Soft-Lite Elements Series

Sunrise Vanguard Series

Vytex Potomac-HP Series

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Homeowner Questions And Answers

Below, you will find homeowner questions and answers to all things related to TPW pricing and options. Happy reading -- if you have any questions for me on this or any other topic, let me know.

Dane - Site Editor

Triple Pane Windows Cost :: 2024

Addison Windows Reviews

We had a quote on 17 windows -- it was for what they called an Addison series. Bid ended up being $23K and this included triple pane glass.


Jon - Homeowner - from 2024

Triple Pane Windows Cost :: 2023

Great Lakes ComfortSmart TPWs

Our triple pane upgrade cost was actually quite competitive for our bids. They quoted me about $6,800 or so for a 90x58 picture window and two 58x 22 casement windows. These would be ProVia Endure series windows in TP. The picture would be a .18u and .20Shgc and the casements are .18/.18. The one caveat of this quote is they couldn’t supply a single picture window and this would require that I downsize my one big picture window into two picture windows, which would affect look of the room.

The other quote was for Great Lakes windows using the comfort smart series. They can do the large picture with a .25u and .22shgc and two casements with similar ratings (don’t have the tech sheet for those yet but same line of window) this quote came out to about $6,300, again in TP.

There could be some things I’m missing like if one company is tax included and if one isn’t. I’ll have to verify that before deciding. I also did some research on your site and just looking on their website and it looks like both are decent windows.

We do value the view with the larger window so that’s why we would be considering the double pane or else I would just spend the money for the triple pane.

However the main priority is to cool the rooms off in the summer when it’s 102-104 with direct sun light on our windows, so if the only way to do that is to get U and SHGC below .20 then we are open to making the picture window into two separate windows.

Jenna - Homeowner - from 2023

[Site Editor's Answer]

I think priority number one is a low SHGC. I love those Endure numbers. Why can't they order you a picture window with a low shgc -- what's the excuse there?

I hear you on the one large window over the two small ones. It sounds like it might have to be a trade off here -- heat to glass area. Which one is more important to you?

I'd go back and ask them to custom order the picture glass - maybe the sales guy's manager can get it done...

Dane - Site Editor - from 2023

ProVia Triple Pane Windows Cost

I got a bid on a Provia bay window from ABC Supply. The cost of the bay window was $3400 and to upgrade to triple pane it would cost an additional $1300.
Provia Window Reviews

Nick - Homeowner - from 2023

Sunrise Triple Pane Windows Cost

We have a bid 1 good sized picture window and 12 double hungs. The quote was from Pure Energy Windows, which seems to have a good reputation here in Michigan. The total cost came out to $15.5K

This was for the Platinum series with triple pane glass. They claim they are one of the only dealers that have access to this window. I know prices have really ballooned but is this fair?

David - Homeowner - from 2023

[Site Editor's Answer]

David, it must be a specialty series that they carry - this isn't all that uncommon. I'm assuming it is the Imperial LS series, which is VERY good. I'd say that they quote is fair given the window and the triple-pane glass. Still, I would say get three more bids to make sure you have some comparison quotes to at least look at. But I think your bid here is solid.

Dane - Site Editor - from 2023

Ideal Triple Pane Windows Cost

Hello Dane, I hope all is well. I decided to go with Ideal Majestic windows. I need to choose a glass package to use in a south facing sunroom in Northern VA. I contacted Ideal but they just referred me to the local dealer and they only sent me the descriptions of each glass package which I already knew.

The ESM glass packages have surface 4 Low-E. Do you know if surface 4 Low-E glass is durable? I also see a lot of comments related to more condensation with surface 4 Low-E. Cost to upgrade from Energy Green or the Energy Elite glass package for 11 windows:

ESM package: additional $485
ESM+ package: additional $856
R-5 Package (triple pane): additional $1500

Taj - Homeowner - from 2023

[Site Editor's Answer]

Taj, excellent choice. I don’t know the specifics about Ideal’s glass package upgrades. I’m pretty surprised that the sales rep wouldn’t pick up a phone to explain the differences. The more surfaces, the darker the tint — some homeowners have an issue with the slightly green tint to the glass. Each of the glass packages should have the condensation resistance rating attached to it — I would ask for these numbers from the local dealer, but it sounds like they aren’t being very accommodating.

Ask if you can see some samples — this might not help, but in general I think the upgrade to the ESM will help with the SHGC issues on the south facing windows.

Sorry, I feel like I didn’t help much here :(

Dane - Site Editor - from 2023

Triple Pane Windows Cost Question

Hi, Dane - I appreciate all your info. Do you have any price % increase for triple glazed vs double glazed. windows? How about for colors other than white?

Also, the estimated pricing calculator is good, but the pricing for casement windows seems low compared to other styles. Any explanation for that?

Thanks, again.

Ron - Homeowner - from 2023

[Site Editor's Answer]

Ron, usually the cost is increase is $75 to $125 per window for the triple pane option. Let me know what they charge — always curious during this time of inflation what companies are coming up with…

The cost for custom frame colors can be as much as a 35% upgraded cost — often steep if it’s outside their palette of standard colors — lots of homeowners are going with darker exterior colors for the aesthetics — but they will pay for the privilege :)

I’ll check the casement pricing — I made some changes recently and I could have screwed up the casement coding — thanks for pointing that out! I'm definitely always tweaking the site, but sometimes things slip through my fingers...

Dane - Site Editor - from 2023

Pella Triple Pane Windows Cost

An update: third quote in today, for four TPWs: $6,525, from Pella in San Diego. Prior quotes were $5380 from Window World (carrying Simonton) and $8000 to $9000 from a local shop called Advanced Windows and Glass, carrying Value Windows.

Due to my concern particularly with low frequency noise (not just noise in general, but hospital helicopters nearby), I think it may be wiser to get triple pane rather than dual pane with laminate. That said, I am still scared to commit this amount of money to test my assumption. Getting Del Mar from Anlin would be perfect, if it were regular street noise I'm dealing with.

Pella San Diego has horrible Yelp reviews. The other ones don't. Perhaps I should think about that as well.

Thanks, Dane, for making time for the public needing unbiased opinions. I hope you're having a wonderful Wednesday!

Tonya - Homeowner - from 2023

[Site Editor's Answer]

Tonya, the Simonton would have to top my list I suppose. (Simonton Windows Reviews) The Pella 250 is a solid window. Did you ever contact the three companies I suggested?

Dane - Site Editor - from 2023

Pella 250 Triple Glazed

Dane, can you compare the following

Pella 250 Series (DP)

Apex Insignia (TP) Apex Windows Reviews

The Apex is $2000 more over the 250 series.

Steven - Homeowner - from 2022

[Website Editor Reply]

Steven, the Apex Insignia with the TP is a better option over the 250 series. I think its better made and has superior performance data, especially because of the triple glass. Pella 250 Series Reviews

Nav Line
[Email for his recommendations]

Dane - Website Editor - from 2022

Triple Pane Windows Cost

Hi Dane, I live in San Diego, California and recently purchased a home between two hospitals with helicopter landing pads. The low frequency but very loud sounds of the helicopters at night are a huge disturbance to sleep. Short of selling, I am now thinking of installing TPWs. My 3-level townhouse itself was built in 2003, thick-looking (I am no contractor though) walls, with entry-level Milgard windows that are dual pane but I think have a bit of failure (there appears to be fog between the panes?).

Is triple pane the way to go? I am chiefly interested in reducing low frequency noise so I can be a little bit less sleep-deprived. The different thickness glass package is of less interest to me, since greater mass = greater blockage of low frequency sounds. I hope the internet has not lead me astray.

Window World San Diego gave me a quote for Simonton 5000 series with TP; total of 4 windows (I can only afford to do one bedroom only), at the price of $5,380.65, labor cost included. Another local company, Advanced Windows, quoted me $8000 to $9000 (retrofit vs blockfit) for Value Windows GS series, TP as well. There isn't a whole lot of triple pane offerings out here in "perfect weather" San Diego. These two are the only ones I've found so far.

Would love it if you could share your thoughts on low frequency noise reduction and triple windows, as well as the prices quoted.

Seeking advice and sleep.

Tonya - Homeowner - from 2023

[Site Editor's Answer]

Tonya, either triple pane glass or laminated glass. I'd collect a couple more bids but $8000 for 4 untis is ridiculous...

For local bids, we have our simple, no-cost form -- it takes about a minute and connects you with 3 companies in your area.

You can find the form here -- Quality Replacement Window Bids

Or copy and paste --

Dane - Site Editor - from 2023

[Tonya's Reply]

Thank you Dane. You're so helpful! If you're interested, I'll keep you posted on whether a more affordable quote comes up. Again, triple pane providers in San Diego is hard to come by, and that's part of the problem.

(Lesson: when buying your dream house and tanking all your money into one place, try sleeping over night first? We didn't know about the helicopters as they didn't come during the day)

[Site Editor's Answer]

Tonya, I should have added the following info. The best soundproof option is buying a really good window unit -- and yes triple pane is kind of overkill in San Diego -- laminate glass is probably the better option, although I want to say it can add $150 per window :(

The best window in SoCal is the Anlin Del Mar Series --

Inquire with all the companies that come out to give you a bid about a glass offset -- some companies offer this where they use a different glass thickness for the two panes of glass. The different thickness will deaden different sound frequencies...

Tonya - Homeowner - from 2023

Triple Pane Windows Cost

Considering 3x glass. It would be $400 for the door and $170 per window. Do you have any recommendations for that?

Trent - Homeowner - from 2021

[Site Editor's Answer]

I don't know where I stand on 3x glass to be honest. I definitely helps with noise and energy efficiency. It also adds more parts that can potentially fail. If you live in a very cold climate, probably worth it. If not, I tend to think it's overkill.

Dane - Site Editor - from 2021

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